The last 10 days have felt like a tightrope walking exercise of sorts. Someone lurking around the house, seeing I was 1,500 over for an oil change, the internet going out, the fence nearly falling on one side, Riley's tube coming out TWICE, finances in the toilet (a deployment in the beginning stages will really do it). My doctor insists I'm depressed, Leea was up throwing up last night, every single night without fail Riley's pump malfunctions and I'm up with it, 7 appointments for Riley last week...and the list goes on.
I've told God I can't do it so many times over these last 10 days. I've told Port this can't be what God has for us, I'm done with deployment and it's hardly begun.
I try really hard to remain in a CONSTANT state of thankfulness, no matter how bad it seems at the time, no matter how hard it is to do. Truthfully, I have more blessings than I can even count. It blesses me that our kids see it too. When they pray before a meal and before bed, their prayers are forever long and getting longer. Each line starts with a "thank you Jesus for...".
It's God sense of humor I guess...what I've told Him I can't possibly do, is exactly what He's had me do. I had to put Riley's tube back in myself at 3 in the morning a few days ago. I cried and cried, doing it by flashlight, begging God to direct my hands and speak peace into me. I've burned tissue off her G-tube sight myself, praying that I didn't overdo it. I've taken cues from my husband when he's called that are hard to take, so hard to absorb. We speak in code and I must be careful to listen to every little detail so that I know what's happening with him.
After putting Rileys' tube back in myself I cried out to the Lord in anger. I was so mad that I had to do it, so mad that it's been one thing after another. So mad over a lot of things. He met me as He so faithfully does and reminded me to keep my focus. I literally looked up the the heavens and felt His peace. The events of a day are never what I think they might be, I am in a constant struggle not to be emotional and offended in my flesh but to see things from the persepective of Christ.
It's a tightrope really. I don't have time for the drama of life, to explain where I am today. I hardly have time to shower and can't remember what appointment is when despite my huge purse calender the size of a notebook. The Lord gives me peace as I need it and tells me to keep my focus. I walk the tightrope, keeping my head up, my eyes lifted to His face, keeping my balance and trying hard not to let the things of the world, the tactics of the enemy cause me to lose my balance, to wobble too much. As soon as my eyes are off of Him, I nearly fall. I can't fall because 3 sets of eyes, hearts and smiles depend on me. I am so careful of my time, making sure that what I do doesn't take my eyes off Him, that I'm not caught up in what I shouldn't be. I have to keep my focus.
I encourage you today, as the storms of life rage on, as the world pulls at us from every direction, to stay the course on your tightrope. Hold your arms out on both sides, let Him lead you. Keep your head up as not to look around at the distractions. Keep your eyes on Him and only Him. One step at a time, one wobble at a time, my eyes are lifted up and nothing else matters.