Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I'm Just Sayin'

God is good! Amen? Amen! He is still in the business of miracles, healings, providing and moving mountains!

Port and I prayed healing and recovery for our finances and we got a deployment. Deployments though, mean extra income aka "deployment pay."

I expressed a need for leotards for Riley and 3, yes 3 were purchased from others as a gift to her!

I asked the word be put out that we need a crib. Riley was in such need of a safe place to sleep with enough room to accomodate her height and medical supplies that have to be in the bed with her. We were gifted a brand new crib this week. Yep, brand new! Not only that, but my awesome friends spent the entire afternoon here today putting it together and rearranging furniture so that all the bedrooms are open and fully funtional.

Two weeks ago we were sent a monetary gift from a precious family member, making it possible to stock up on groceries, put the big kids in a sport and buy bandages/gauze/tape that our insurance doesn't cover for Riley.

At that same time we were gifted with numerous gift cards from a sweet sweet family, making it possible to make purchases like fans (we don't have AC and it's in the mid 90's), onesies for Riley, summer clothes for the big kids along with numerous purchases to allow for more storage of Riley's medical supplies, toys ect.

Family and friends have been outpouring their time, money and resources to my husband. He's been receiving mail and boxes regularly. It's so important to keep moral up but also lifts some of the burden off of me when others send what he's needing.

My father in law, my dad, was here for an entire week. Though the visit wasn't exactly what we had planned, he was here to celebrate Carson turning 5. He was here to spend time with us, give us a few fun outings and share in all it takes to get thru the day around here.

Recently my 3 best friends in CO have moved. One is actually in the process of PCS'ing now. My entire close knit inner circle is leaving, my husband is already gone. I have prayed for a new friend. I now have quite a few... Alicia, you will never know this side of heaven what you do for the rest of us military wives. You are ALWAYS there, ready to pitch in and get your hands dirty with me. You are constantly showing us just how Jesus loves by your acceptance and your servants heart. Tesia, you have filled such a hole in my heart with your love and friendship to me and my family. There are no words to thank Nick and you for standing in the gap, for doing what my own husband would if he were here. I have laughed more with you than I have in so very long. I love you both so very much, more than you know.

We have answers for our sweet girl. It's not what we wanted but we are trusting in God's plan for us. We know His plans are better, His ways are more than ours.

A few girls from my church have gathered to help me with childcare for my big kids during Riley's appointments and therapies. What a relief and blessing it is for us all! Tiff, thank you for taking every single week faithfull for me:)

I could go on and on...I just may in my journal. It's so important to remember that in the midst of life, we have to count our blessings. We have to recall what the Lord has done for each of us every single day. This life can throw what it wants my way. It's ok really, I know how it all ends and victory is the Lord's.

God is so good, I'm just sayin'


  1. It is so good to hear the praise of our God on your lips; to see his joy in your eyes; to see your prayers answered faithfully - even if they're not always what you expect.

    Not that I haven't seen it before, it's just that this particular post is about bursting at the seams with joy, and it gets all over everything! :-)

    Your faith is contagious, Nichole.

  2. See, I told you that there would be somebody new, that you would be ok. I"m overwhelmed with joy for you that you have found such loyal and loving new friends there.

    I miss you and love you dearly!
