Last week we requested prayers for our tiny one Riley girl for what we thought was a MRSA repeat. While it's not as bad, she does have a different type of staff infection in her ear that she is being treated for. God is good and has spared us what could have been a much worse time for Riley.
Meanwhile, we are preparing for our big move. This week has been crazy busy with appointments nearly every day and a do list that grows by the minute. The house will officially be rented out to some of our best friends here in CO starting in August. It's hard to believe that in just a month we will be out of CO, in the east coast and my home will be occupied by others who will make it theirs!
As part of the army process to PCS, you have to go through EFMP. The purpose of EFMP is to screen all health issues for each member of the family to insure that for whatever health issues you have, you will receive proper health care in your next destination. It is a mandatory process for each solider and their family and as part of the process as a whole you must get a physical.
Leea and Carson had great physicals. Aside from a few small improvements in their diets they did great. Riley not so much. She weighed in at just 18lbs and will soon be 15 months old. She's in the 1% where she's been for a while now. She still is not speaking a single word aside from a rare "ma." She tries to babble at times but not much. While she is walking, she hasn't mastered any of the 15 month developmental milestones. Her doctor and her ENT have thought for months and still thinks that cystic fybrosis is a concern and valid diagnosis. She was tested for this several times when she spent a week at Denver Childrens Hospital in April but we never were able to get a clear result. Her doctor has confirmed that we most definitely have some hearing loss issues and has ordered a hearing test to see to what extent. She has also recommended speech and developmental therapy for Riley.
We leave in a month for our travels and to being a new life of living out of suitcases which makes speech and developmental therapy kinda hard to do. So, we wait and see what happens over the next few months and we let time tell. Any amount of news wouldn't change our love for her anyhow. It's clear that with all Riley has gone through she has suffered hearing loss, she is tiny but her doctors think that there is more to it. She hasn't been eating for months, even though that sounds very strange...I can't even get a Popsicle much less some organic puree in her most days. So I have to really focus on her diet and on getting nutrients into her, more than I have been. I must take it to the next level as I try to begin teaching her how to talk and function, more so than before.
I think I knew all these issues were there when it comes to our Riley girl but I have pushed them to a far away place in my mind. Not wanting to look at them head on perhaps or was it all of the other million things going on in my head? Either way I faced them today, sitting on a bench and talking to her doctor, wishing Port was here to sit with me and help me sort through it.
God has a plan, I know it. He loves our Riley more than Port and I do, He made her. He holds her future. We may know tomorrow what deeper issues we deal with and we may never know. Our love will never change for her. I've learned by now to cherish her every smile, bit of laughter and milestone she has as her health is so uncertain. Please continue your prayers for our sweet girl.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
It's really happening!
So tonight some very dear friends from our church family came over to help me in the task of separating what is to be packed and what needs to take a trip to the local dump. This was the first step in really getting the moving process going for the Port family. My goal has been to have all the stuff going to Germany, ready to go to Germany so the packers can get it all packed up and the things not going, put where they need to be as well. We've gotten rid of a ton but there is much more to do! With 3 kids, 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, there is much organizing to be done.
I believe very much the saying that says you never really know what you have until you get ready to move!
I was so blessed in having our friends here to help with such a huge project. We tore apart Carson's bed and off it went to the dump ( it's super old and really torn apart). Those that know us best know that our kids don't sleep in their beds, they never have, but prefer a bed made on the floor of our bedroom for them to sleep. Sounds strange to some but with as many moves and trips as we've had it's just too much for me to get them used to a bedtime routine over and over again. Sleeping in their own rooms is the only thing that really trips the kids up and to Port and I it really isn't a big deal. We pick our battles and one day they will be grown and in homes of their own so we take the good stuff while we can get it:)
I stood in the door way of Carson and Riley's room for a while after our friends left. He no longer has a bed and the rooms looks very empty. The crib will leave next week and then it really will be empty with the exception of the dressers!
I can remember when we first moved into this home. Port bought me my dream home. It's simple, nothing fancy at all but there is so much love here. We've had room for our family to grow and so many memories have been made here. Very soon, some very close friends to Port and I will be renting our home to make it theirs. We are so blessed to not have it sit empty but also to have people we love very much and consider family to us, to be living here while we are in Germany.
In just over a month, the babies and I will be on a plane headed for the east coast and one step closer to our family being under one roof together again as we will then prepare for our reunion for November. As I work to organize, set up and plan, I can actually see that this move is totally happening. I work on our financial and house affairs, make appointments and accomplish just a bit more with every day, I'm so very proud of the progress being made already and credit every bit of it to God as He has orchestrated every second of it.
It's bittersweet. This is our first house. So much is here for us in CO but there is a whole different world and I suspect a few people that need to hear about our Jesus waiting for us in Germany. Yep, it's totally happening.
I believe very much the saying that says you never really know what you have until you get ready to move!
I was so blessed in having our friends here to help with such a huge project. We tore apart Carson's bed and off it went to the dump ( it's super old and really torn apart). Those that know us best know that our kids don't sleep in their beds, they never have, but prefer a bed made on the floor of our bedroom for them to sleep. Sounds strange to some but with as many moves and trips as we've had it's just too much for me to get them used to a bedtime routine over and over again. Sleeping in their own rooms is the only thing that really trips the kids up and to Port and I it really isn't a big deal. We pick our battles and one day they will be grown and in homes of their own so we take the good stuff while we can get it:)
I stood in the door way of Carson and Riley's room for a while after our friends left. He no longer has a bed and the rooms looks very empty. The crib will leave next week and then it really will be empty with the exception of the dressers!
I can remember when we first moved into this home. Port bought me my dream home. It's simple, nothing fancy at all but there is so much love here. We've had room for our family to grow and so many memories have been made here. Very soon, some very close friends to Port and I will be renting our home to make it theirs. We are so blessed to not have it sit empty but also to have people we love very much and consider family to us, to be living here while we are in Germany.
In just over a month, the babies and I will be on a plane headed for the east coast and one step closer to our family being under one roof together again as we will then prepare for our reunion for November. As I work to organize, set up and plan, I can actually see that this move is totally happening. I work on our financial and house affairs, make appointments and accomplish just a bit more with every day, I'm so very proud of the progress being made already and credit every bit of it to God as He has orchestrated every second of it.
It's bittersweet. This is our first house. So much is here for us in CO but there is a whole different world and I suspect a few people that need to hear about our Jesus waiting for us in Germany. Yep, it's totally happening.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Father's Day in a box, my very best friends and special prayers for our tiny one.
My incredibly thoughtful hubby reminded me tonight that I haven't blogged all week. Why is that thoughtful you ask? He knows I love to blog and work on the blog as I continue to learn more about the blogging world, and of course to drop a hint that he's reading what I write!
This year as Port is off in KY for schools, his father's day celebration came in a box. I was so excited that he got it today so the kids and I thought he should go ahead and open it, though it's early, so that maybe he could have a fun packed weekend. Now that he's knows what he's gotten from us this year, I can have a tell all! It was a challenge this year as I had to be extra creative with a budget in mind and already having to pay to ship his special surprises. It was so neat because he opened his box with the kids and I on the phone with him, which made it feel kinda like we were together for his reactions!
Earlier this week, the kids and made our first ever batch of strawberry jam on our own (thanks to my bf Geri teaching me how it's done) to enjoy a sweet summer treat but to also send a jar daddy's way as it's his fav treat too!
In his box we included a couple of his fav magazines to read, a jar of home made jam, an REI gift card, a McDonald's gift card, and an Apple bee's gift card, a card from the kids, a card from me and this weeks sermons on CD for him to listen too during his quiet time. The kids drew pictures for him to have as some decor for his apartment and I wrote him a sappy note. Of course, nothing compares to being together for special occasions but I think we did pretty good this year!
May our daddy know how much we love him, how much we miss him now, and how proud of him we really are!
The last two weeks have been full of one disaster after another it seems. I need a dental appt as a crown came completely out, the garage door broke,the computer crashed, pay issues with the army, bank issues,a sick baby and the list goes on! One could easily give up or call it a day. I've settled for a few good cries and thanked the magnificent God we serve for my friends. I have been surrounded with the best people on the planet to be by my side when it seems my very foundation has been shaken.
I thank Jason and Geri, for lending an ear each time I've needed to talk, for cutting our grass, helping me plant, play dates, helping me clean, endless invites, taking the kids for appts, dinner and for being true servants of Christ.
I thank Jamie and Holly, who have faithfully called, text, given encouragement in prayer and talks together and offered to do any and everything despite just being reunited a week ago from a deployment of their own.
I thank my church who has been a support system, offered prayers, childcare, and has allowed me to just come as I am on the tough days. There are many more people to name by name but I would never finish this blog entry! I am so thankful to each person who has loved on us, prayed and encouraged us.
Which takes me to a special prayer request. As most know our beautiful Riley girl has been terribly sick most of her life with ear issues, staff infections and MRSA. She turned 14 months old this month! She was hospitalized for a week in April for these issues and has had 3 different surgical procedures on her ears in an effort to make her life easier. Earlier this week, horrible drainage began in her ears and back to Denver we went to talk with her doctors. I met with her surgeon, the nurse and her resident doctor. Cultures were taken to test the ear goo and all we could do was wait.
Today I received a call that staff is once again growing in her ears. Not a good sign. Lab techs are working hard to determine if it's MRSA again or a different strand and we hope to know early next week. It's very likely we are dealing with MRSA again as she's had it once before and it was one of the strongest cases her docs have seen to date. She had to be sent home with an in home care nurse and two long weeks of IV meds here. We continue to wait and pray that she be spared such an ordeal, and be healed. We know and trust that our God has a plan and is in total control. I watched her play in the yard today, so beautiful and curious of the dirt. It breaks my heart that something so terrible, an intruder of sorts is invading her now. She sleeps now and I seek wisdom from the only one who gives it in abundance to all who ask. It's the worse feeling really, aside from sending your husband to war, but to see your baby sick and feeling so helpless. I feel quite overwhelmed at the thought of another procedure, hospital stay or IV meds without the help of daddy here. Please offer up your prayers for our Riley girl when she comes to your mind.
I leave this entry tonight reflecting on quite a bit. I encourage you to love on your husbands always, but more so this weekend to show your appreciation to them, to thank your own earthly Fathers and to love our heavenly Father with all your heart, soul, might and strength. Thank Him for your health and that of your babies. Seek Him if you are pondering something in your life and walking in a wilderness of your own. He so cares for the smallest details of your life. Lastly, pray for our tiny one.
This year as Port is off in KY for schools, his father's day celebration came in a box. I was so excited that he got it today so the kids and I thought he should go ahead and open it, though it's early, so that maybe he could have a fun packed weekend. Now that he's knows what he's gotten from us this year, I can have a tell all! It was a challenge this year as I had to be extra creative with a budget in mind and already having to pay to ship his special surprises. It was so neat because he opened his box with the kids and I on the phone with him, which made it feel kinda like we were together for his reactions!
Earlier this week, the kids and made our first ever batch of strawberry jam on our own (thanks to my bf Geri teaching me how it's done) to enjoy a sweet summer treat but to also send a jar daddy's way as it's his fav treat too!
In his box we included a couple of his fav magazines to read, a jar of home made jam, an REI gift card, a McDonald's gift card, and an Apple bee's gift card, a card from the kids, a card from me and this weeks sermons on CD for him to listen too during his quiet time. The kids drew pictures for him to have as some decor for his apartment and I wrote him a sappy note. Of course, nothing compares to being together for special occasions but I think we did pretty good this year!
May our daddy know how much we love him, how much we miss him now, and how proud of him we really are!
The last two weeks have been full of one disaster after another it seems. I need a dental appt as a crown came completely out, the garage door broke,the computer crashed, pay issues with the army, bank issues,a sick baby and the list goes on! One could easily give up or call it a day. I've settled for a few good cries and thanked the magnificent God we serve for my friends. I have been surrounded with the best people on the planet to be by my side when it seems my very foundation has been shaken.
I thank Jason and Geri, for lending an ear each time I've needed to talk, for cutting our grass, helping me plant, play dates, helping me clean, endless invites, taking the kids for appts, dinner and for being true servants of Christ.
I thank Jamie and Holly, who have faithfully called, text, given encouragement in prayer and talks together and offered to do any and everything despite just being reunited a week ago from a deployment of their own.
I thank my church who has been a support system, offered prayers, childcare, and has allowed me to just come as I am on the tough days. There are many more people to name by name but I would never finish this blog entry! I am so thankful to each person who has loved on us, prayed and encouraged us.
Which takes me to a special prayer request. As most know our beautiful Riley girl has been terribly sick most of her life with ear issues, staff infections and MRSA. She turned 14 months old this month! She was hospitalized for a week in April for these issues and has had 3 different surgical procedures on her ears in an effort to make her life easier. Earlier this week, horrible drainage began in her ears and back to Denver we went to talk with her doctors. I met with her surgeon, the nurse and her resident doctor. Cultures were taken to test the ear goo and all we could do was wait.
Today I received a call that staff is once again growing in her ears. Not a good sign. Lab techs are working hard to determine if it's MRSA again or a different strand and we hope to know early next week. It's very likely we are dealing with MRSA again as she's had it once before and it was one of the strongest cases her docs have seen to date. She had to be sent home with an in home care nurse and two long weeks of IV meds here. We continue to wait and pray that she be spared such an ordeal, and be healed. We know and trust that our God has a plan and is in total control. I watched her play in the yard today, so beautiful and curious of the dirt. It breaks my heart that something so terrible, an intruder of sorts is invading her now. She sleeps now and I seek wisdom from the only one who gives it in abundance to all who ask. It's the worse feeling really, aside from sending your husband to war, but to see your baby sick and feeling so helpless. I feel quite overwhelmed at the thought of another procedure, hospital stay or IV meds without the help of daddy here. Please offer up your prayers for our Riley girl when she comes to your mind.
I leave this entry tonight reflecting on quite a bit. I encourage you to love on your husbands always, but more so this weekend to show your appreciation to them, to thank your own earthly Fathers and to love our heavenly Father with all your heart, soul, might and strength. Thank Him for your health and that of your babies. Seek Him if you are pondering something in your life and walking in a wilderness of your own. He so cares for the smallest details of your life. Lastly, pray for our tiny one.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
My gift :)
During Port's last tour I wore a dog tag he had made of me, a duplicate of his original as a bracelet. It's amazing the comfort you gain by something so small. A few days after he came home from his last tour the chain I had on the dog tag broke. I was heartbroken as he had taken me for the chain and drilled holes in the dog tag to make it a bracelet.
I have kept the dog tag in my jewelry box for the next time we would be separated for a long time. I had the idea that instead of just a plain chain, to use beads. I thought it would dress it up and give it a more girly look.
A few weeks ago Port and I were blessed with our first night away and we stayed in a beautiful bed and breakfast downtown here in CO. As we were taking a romantic stroll that afternoon I noticed a really cool looking bead shop. They had already closed so we decided to go back the next morning only to find that they didn't open for another few hours and we had to get back to the babies.
Two days before Port left for his schooling in KY, he took me back to the bead shop and had a beautiful bracelet made for me with the dog tag I've been holding onto for almost 5 years. I wear it daily as it brings me comfort and makes me feel even more proud to be an army wife. I've included a of pic for you to see how it turned out!

Thank you my love for doing something so sweet for me. I love you!
I have kept the dog tag in my jewelry box for the next time we would be separated for a long time. I had the idea that instead of just a plain chain, to use beads. I thought it would dress it up and give it a more girly look.
A few weeks ago Port and I were blessed with our first night away and we stayed in a beautiful bed and breakfast downtown here in CO. As we were taking a romantic stroll that afternoon I noticed a really cool looking bead shop. They had already closed so we decided to go back the next morning only to find that they didn't open for another few hours and we had to get back to the babies.
Two days before Port left for his schooling in KY, he took me back to the bead shop and had a beautiful bracelet made for me with the dog tag I've been holding onto for almost 5 years. I wear it daily as it brings me comfort and makes me feel even more proud to be an army wife. I've included a of pic for you to see how it turned out!

Thank you my love for doing something so sweet for me. I love you!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
One week down!
I comfort our tiny one from a bad dream and realize that it's times like these when I can see most how God has provided for and watched over my every move.
I haven't written in so long as Port was preparing to leave and I wanted to take as much time as I could for our family and date time. Most of you know, he left last Friday for Ft. Knox KY for OBC Armor school. While he's now in a beautiful furnished apartment, I sure do wish he was here in our home with me and the kiddos! He will be in school until Nov-Dec, depending on if airborne and ranger schools are available for him to take on.
The kids and I fly to GA on Aug 2 and will stay with one of his sisters, and one of my closest friends and sister, Kim for a week or so and then travel along to NC to visit with Cindy, his other sister and then to SC where we will live with his dad until he returns from schools. We do plan to travel to a few other places close to SC to visit with other family and friends while we can.
And then it hit me! I not only have to have the house packed up and our things stored until it's time for Germany but I also have to get the kids and I ready for our summer travels and reuniting with daddy. That's 2 moves on my own!
The first few days after he was gone were rough. I cried and cried as if I didn't really go through two 15 month tours and every school the army could send him too. I insisted to my sweet husband that I couldn't do all became too much for me to take on. As if I had a choice, lol!
Finding a new normal is hard, especially when you have gotten used to having something very different in your life. Port was home for 2 1/2 yrs since his last tour until he left for schools. My husband is my rock, the leader of our home, my best friend and go to person. He is so very active in the lives of our three kids. He's at the gymnastics classes, the soccer games, the t-ball and basketball clinics, the well baby check ups. He's teaching bible study, driving us around for errands, helping with the grocery shopping, the laid back one. He's at church, checking on the kids in their classes, teaching them, loving all of us, encouraging us. He's taking my hands in prayer, accompanying me at the alter, holding on to me at night.
As each day passes we get a bit better and I remember that this is just what we do. My husband was born to be a solider. He was born to lead. I am at his side, taking care of skinned knees, reading bedtime stories, driving to play dates, scheduling, making it all happen until we are together again.
For the first time in my life, my heart is in so many places. I long to be in CO where my church and friends are. I long to be in KY sharing the same bed with my husband. I long to be in SC where my family is. A small part of me feels ready for Germany, for God has a mission for us there.
As a sick baby regains her health, a computer crashes, a garage door breaks, babies fall apart for their daddy, plants threaten to die, I truly see how blessed I am. My closest friends have given me time to find me and make a plan for the months and are right at my side as I ask to lean on them. I confide as I need to, being blessed with no judgement against me. No task is to big for them to take on.
We're one week down with many more to go. I thank my close circle here in CO and those in other places of the map who are supporting us, praying for us, helping and encouraging us. I thank my husband for his bravery, his passion for the army, his love for me and our family. You rock babe!
I haven't written in so long as Port was preparing to leave and I wanted to take as much time as I could for our family and date time. Most of you know, he left last Friday for Ft. Knox KY for OBC Armor school. While he's now in a beautiful furnished apartment, I sure do wish he was here in our home with me and the kiddos! He will be in school until Nov-Dec, depending on if airborne and ranger schools are available for him to take on.
The kids and I fly to GA on Aug 2 and will stay with one of his sisters, and one of my closest friends and sister, Kim for a week or so and then travel along to NC to visit with Cindy, his other sister and then to SC where we will live with his dad until he returns from schools. We do plan to travel to a few other places close to SC to visit with other family and friends while we can.
And then it hit me! I not only have to have the house packed up and our things stored until it's time for Germany but I also have to get the kids and I ready for our summer travels and reuniting with daddy. That's 2 moves on my own!
The first few days after he was gone were rough. I cried and cried as if I didn't really go through two 15 month tours and every school the army could send him too. I insisted to my sweet husband that I couldn't do all became too much for me to take on. As if I had a choice, lol!
Finding a new normal is hard, especially when you have gotten used to having something very different in your life. Port was home for 2 1/2 yrs since his last tour until he left for schools. My husband is my rock, the leader of our home, my best friend and go to person. He is so very active in the lives of our three kids. He's at the gymnastics classes, the soccer games, the t-ball and basketball clinics, the well baby check ups. He's teaching bible study, driving us around for errands, helping with the grocery shopping, the laid back one. He's at church, checking on the kids in their classes, teaching them, loving all of us, encouraging us. He's taking my hands in prayer, accompanying me at the alter, holding on to me at night.
As each day passes we get a bit better and I remember that this is just what we do. My husband was born to be a solider. He was born to lead. I am at his side, taking care of skinned knees, reading bedtime stories, driving to play dates, scheduling, making it all happen until we are together again.
For the first time in my life, my heart is in so many places. I long to be in CO where my church and friends are. I long to be in KY sharing the same bed with my husband. I long to be in SC where my family is. A small part of me feels ready for Germany, for God has a mission for us there.
As a sick baby regains her health, a computer crashes, a garage door breaks, babies fall apart for their daddy, plants threaten to die, I truly see how blessed I am. My closest friends have given me time to find me and make a plan for the months and are right at my side as I ask to lean on them. I confide as I need to, being blessed with no judgement against me. No task is to big for them to take on.
We're one week down with many more to go. I thank my close circle here in CO and those in other places of the map who are supporting us, praying for us, helping and encouraging us. I thank my husband for his bravery, his passion for the army, his love for me and our family. You rock babe!
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