Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It's really happening!

So tonight some very dear friends from our church family came over to help me in the task of separating what is to be packed and what needs to take a trip to the local dump. This was the first step in really getting the moving process going for the Port family. My goal has been to have all the stuff going to Germany, ready to go to Germany so the packers can get it all packed up and the things not going, put where they need to be as well. We've gotten rid of a ton but there is much more to do! With 3 kids, 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, there is much organizing to be done.

I believe very much the saying that says you never really know what you have until you get ready to move!

I was so blessed in having our friends here to help with such a huge project. We tore apart Carson's bed and off it went to the dump ( it's super old and really torn apart). Those that know us best know that our kids don't sleep in their beds, they never have, but prefer a bed made on the floor of our bedroom for them to sleep. Sounds strange to some but with as many moves and trips as we've had it's just too much for me to get them used to a bedtime routine over and over again. Sleeping in their own rooms is the only thing that really trips the kids up and to Port and I it really isn't a big deal. We pick our battles and one day they will be grown and in homes of their own so we take the good stuff while we can get it:)

I stood in the door way of Carson and Riley's room for a while after our friends left. He no longer has a bed and the rooms looks very empty. The crib will leave next week and then it really will be empty with the exception of the dressers!

I can remember when we first moved into this home. Port bought me my dream home. It's simple, nothing fancy at all but there is so much love here. We've had room for our family to grow and so many memories have been made here. Very soon, some very close friends to Port and I will be renting our home to make it theirs. We are so blessed to not have it sit empty but also to have people we love very much and consider family to us, to be living here while we are in Germany.

In just over a month, the babies and I will be on a plane headed for the east coast and one step closer to our family being under one roof together again as we will then prepare for our reunion for November. As I work to organize, set up and plan, I can actually see that this move is totally happening. I work on our financial and house affairs, make appointments and accomplish just a bit more with every day, I'm so very proud of the progress being made already and credit every bit of it to God as He has orchestrated every second of it.

It's bittersweet. This is our first house. So much is here for us in CO but there is a whole different world and I suspect a few people that need to hear about our Jesus waiting for us in Germany. Yep, it's totally happening.


  1. I had no clue until right now that you are going away!! What an adventure.

  2. (Sigh) The first house. I can feel the bittersweetness you must be feeling. Coming home from Mauritius to OUR first house 3 months ago and seeing it rented out by someone else, filled with OUR memories and someone else's stuff---there's just no way to describe the feeling unless you've been many emotions you are expereiencing-hold on to them, but don't let them get you down, as they will be what you hang on to for a long time! Comfort your kids if they need it, Jack still tears up once a week when he thinks about 'his' house and how he's not living in it right now...pretty tough on a little guy who doesn't understand the 'living in limbo' situation we're in! Your kids will be specially in our prayers this week as you go through this crazy to them all....xoxoxo
