Saturday, December 18, 2010

Our new journey

Several months ago when Riley was much smaller, Port and I laid her at the alter. We held her ever so tight and begged the LORD to heal her, to take her pain, allow her to grow. And we waited. Nothing happened. Then she became worse. We spent a week at Denver Children's Hospital with MRSA, a flesh eating, very antibiotic resistant form of staff. After she was released from the hospital we brought her home to continue 2 more weeks of IV meds with an in home care nurse. Again, that Sunday, the LORD urged me to take her back to the alter. We did. This time, we removed our hands and laid our sleeping baby on the alter with loved ones gathered around us, praying, lifting us all up. And we waited. Again, nothing happened. A few short weeks later, more ear infections. This time was staff A, a common staff.

As we begged for her healing, we learned to be content with whatever the LORD had for Riley. Again, just a matter of weeks later, with still very slow growth, lagging development, continued head banging on any surface she could find, her pediterician shared with us that she still felt we were missing something. Though Riley had not been sick recently, there had to be a reason for the head banding, not eating, not sleeping, slow growth, no weight gain. We were referred to National Jewish, a hospital here in Colorado, or should I say Denver. We prayed and we waited.

This week they called. A team of doctors want to work with Riley, run tests, try therapies...they say if there is anything to find, if there is any diagnosis for Riley, they will find it.

Riley has been enrolled in a 10 day, day time program. We will begin at 8 a.m. and end at 6 p.m. for 10 full business days. Riley will undergo nearly every test imaginable as the doctors search and examine any and everything that could remotely relate to her symptoms. She will undergo every blood test, every single allergy test to determine if she has any blood infections, deep immune system dysfunctions or deficiencies. She will go thru every therapy to determine what her developmental delays are and why, if she needs leg braces to correct her alkalies heels, feeding therapy to improve her diet to more than liquids with very few solids.

I am in such a scared and overwhelmed state though my faith is strong. This is a God thing for sure and a chance for Riley to really be understood. I can't fathom giving my baby to a doctor day after day for her to endure all that lies ahead of her. Please don't let her hurt I pray. Please don't let her be scared. Is there any way I can do this for her?

I invite you to stand with us on this journey, to pray with us, to pray for our Riley. I have roughly 2 weeks to make all accommodations for our 2 other kids, Leea and Carson. I struggle to assure Riley's care while keeping our family together as much as possible. Leea and Carson will not be allowed for any of her tests and therapies. While Riley won't be staying overnight, I will be away from the big kids more than I have ever been before, as we travel back and forth to Denver (roughly a 2 hour drive one way).

As we begin this emotional roller coaster, this new journey of faith and adjusting, I am in hopes of keeping our family and friends updated for each phase of this new step God has for us. I continue to hold fast to the amazing God we serve, our provider, our healer, our comforter and protector. The one and only God who holds my future, the future of my family, the future of my Riley girl in his precious hands.

1 comment:

  1. I can't even imagine what you and your family will be put through these next two weeks - I will pray for all of you, Nichole.

