Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Thanksgiving first!

This year for Thanksgiving our family was together. Daddy was not training, not in the field, not on a deployment, but at home! I decided for the very special and rare occasion I would treat it as just that! I began to pray as to how to make this Thanksgiving different than any other and I felt the LORD saying to me that it was time for me to prepare such a meal on my own for my family! After a few days of excuses, whining, anxiousness I saw He wasn't budging so I needed to get to cooking! I planned a meal, bought my groceries and supplies..oh wait, a super funny! I was looking for a meat thermometer and found one that had what looked like a baster and a thermometer in the same package! Feeling quite clever I purchased my new found kitchen tool only to later see on the package that it is a candy thermometer! Oh well, I tried lol!

The day was such a blessed day indeed. After hours in the kitchen, praying over each step and listening for the LORD to guide me, everything was ready and the table was set! The entire meal was beyond yummy! My family ate it right up! Tears of joy were in my eyes all day...over the meal that actually turned out and all that I have to be thankful for. Even now, on this first day of December, with the hubby gone once again to the field, I have such an overflowing cup:)

1 comment:

  1. There is almost nothing that compares to the elation you feel after trying something new in the kitchen, all by yourself, and having it turn out to be a complete success!

    Congrats on your first Thanksgiving success! :-)
