Saturday, July 10, 2010

get your yoga on, a new school year already?, prepping for SC trip!

About 4 months ago I found myself sitting with my husband in a doctors office listening to the symptoms check list for fibromyalgia while being poked on several pressure points on my body. This came after nearly a year of suffering from what felt like I had the flu, my body had the WORST aches and pains, wobbly legs, feet and hands that fall asleep all the time, trouble remembering and concentrating ect. My doc handed me a bunch of pills and suggested exercise as a daily routine. Who can do that with 3 kids and no gym membership?! Granted while there are some great medicines that help, most doctors in the US don't recognize fibromyalgia as a real issue for what affects millions of people. I've tried a few different medications and have one now that most of the time is able to aid me in day to day activities. I often struggle in being the "old me" and staying active for our kids. The trick I'm learning though, is to

1) realize that my walk with the Lord, my quiet time, journal time and prayer time with Him will help more than any medicine, therapy ect.

2) my diet can also largely affect how I feel so I must eat better to feel better.

3) yoga and I have become great friends. At first I thought I would never be able to do some of the moves these yoga masters do but it's not so hard once you try! I'm working on a personal commitment to rise early not just for more of the quiet time I need with the Lord, but also to have enough time to do yoga a few times a week. The techniques can help you to relax, just breathe and help you to become more physically fit. It works wonders since most research supports that fibromyalgia is brought on my stress.

I'm also preparing for new year of homeschooling for the Port household.I struggled with when to start since we have travels taking place for the next few months. I know though that the longer we hold off, is the longer we hold off! With a house full of kiddos, you just have to dive in and do it! We had to take off so much time with Leea last year due to Riley's health issues and I really want to take it to the next level for her this year as she begins 1st grade. I also will be schooling Carson for pre-k. So as my work load doubles, so does the fun;)

If all works out well, we are planning on flying out to the east coast to visit with family in just 2 weeks for the next 3 months! We are still waiting on orders to come thru, on Riley's testing to be scheduled, so do continue to keep us in prayer as there are still many decisions to be made for our family.

So to my homeschooling mom friends, let's do it ladies! And to everyone following along, give yoga a try and happy stretching;)


  1. Do you have a certain dvd you use? Yoga will probably be a good thing for me in a few months. Once this baby arrives it will be that much harder for me to just go to the gym or go swimming.

  2. Hope you have fun in SC! If you stay in CO & I do we need to start doing yoga together in the mornings! I heart yoga/pilates! I'd love to do devos together sometimes too! I guess I shouldn't get too hopeful though. :)
