Just as I am finally done with all of our medical appointments for physicals and getting the house packed we learn that the army has cancelled our orders for Germany in November. Riley has been put on EFMP, meaning her medical and health issues are too great for her to travel too far, much less overseas. The army feels that it just isn't safe to take her to Germany. While Port and I agree, it's kinda hard to have so much in limbo. Traveling to the east coast this summer is on stand by as we don't know if I will need to be packing the house by then to PCS elsewhere or if we will be staying in CO. New orders could take just a short amount of time or could drag out into weeks and weeks. We have options we are looking at and pray to have some good news for our family soon.
In the meantime, Riley has a hearing test along with a few other tests to try and rule out what could be a deeper issue somewhere within her tiny body. She's had none to very little growth from her 12 to 15 month well baby exams, isn't speaking at all and has yet to hit a 15 month developmental milestone. There is talk of putting her in speech and developmental therapy, depending on what some further testing reveals.
There is much uncertain for us at this time. All we really understand is that we were willing to go to Germany if that's where the LORD wanted us, that He now has different plans for us, that our Riley girl is going to begin getting the care she needs, and that our God has good plans for us, created to help us grow and prosper (Jeremiah 29:11), that He works all things for the good for those who love him (Romans 8:28), and that our family is even more army strong, more in love with each other than we were a week ago.
Life hanging in the balance is always difficult. But nothing grows strong without some sort of resistance! We are praying for you!
ReplyDeleteI hope you get your orders soon!! Sooo frustrating. Waiting, waiting, waiting!!! Thinking of you guys!!!