Monday, May 3, 2010

And that's 2 for God!

So I have this way of giving a high five to God when something really great happens that I know will further His kingdom. My made up saying, "one for God" has become a bit of a family "thing" that Port and I will often jk with each other about. Well tonight in the Port house we had a first....a 2 for God!

I was doing some straightening up in the living room as Leea and Carson were cleaning up in the art room (their art/school/play room) when I heard Leea ask Carson, "well don't you want to go to heaven bubbie?" I stopped to ease closer to the door and listen in some. My little man replied with a "yes sissy but I don't know how." I eased into the room and asked the kids to take a seat for a minute so we could talk. I asked them both if they knew how to get to heaven, where does Jesus live ect. The responses I gathered were the normal for tiny ones. It was a great conversation with the kids but it got even better when Carson looked at me and said, "mommy, how does Jesus get from up in the sky and into my heart?" I began to share with him how Jesus can come in our hearts once we invite him to come and live within us. Leea then shared with me that she had never really asked Jesus to come live in her heart but that she knew she needed too so she too could have Jesus in her heart. I talked to them both about praying to invite Jesus into their hearts and asked them if they would like to pray that very prayer. Both were eager and so we began together on a toddler/Pre-K version of the sinners prayer. My Leea and my Carson repeated every word I said with their tiny hands together and their heads bowed. Never before have I ever seen them so serious.

After we prayed I asked the kids if they had understood what we prayed and why. Carson shared with me that "now Jesus lives in my heart because I asked him to come be my LORD." Leea shared as well by saying that she "knew Jesus was in her heart and would always stay close to her."

That my friends, is 2 for God!



  1. What a BLESSING! Thank you so much for sharing. I'm sure that there was a big party in heaven as your two made a choice to follow CHRIST!
