Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I've heard it said....

I've heard it said that as an army/military wife you should never put down serious roots anywhere. It's just too hard when the time comes to leave to actually leave. For those that know us best, you know we have army flowing thru our veins. It's what we do, it's what we are meant to do, it's what we will always do.

Our first duty station has been Ft Carson, CO and we have been here since I was pregnant with Carson at just 8 weeks. Carson will be 4 next month! And no, Ft Carson is NOT where we got the name for our little man. I hated CO at first. I rebelled in my own little ways, refusing to explore, make friends, adjust in any way. It's taken me a long time but I've gotten kinda close with CO. I could do without all the snow but there's something incredible about looking out my kitchen window and seeing Pikes Peak. Here in CO is where I've grown. My journey began here, in learning how to be a woman, how to raise babies, how to be an army wife, how to have a real walk with my LORD.

I found CCES (Calvery Chapel Eastside), my church and my home in this world. My church has been my refuge, my safe place when the world just becomes too much. My church has become a place where Port and I can lay it all out, be as raw as we need to be, pray for others and have each other prayed for. My church has carried us thru a 15 month deployment, a miscarriage during a hard pregnancy, a following pregnancy of total bed rest for the majority of it, hard financial times,tough family issues, the raising of 3 kids, homeschooling the kids, health issues, deployment issues, moving, and all of life's hardest lessons that the last 3 yrs has had for us. Leea and Carson have grown most of their tiny lives in this church. My church has come to the rescue as last minute child care for a military ball, meals when major sickness has come along, car repairs, muscle help for a big move, home repairs when Port has been gone...you name it they've done it!

Leaving my church is the hardest part of the big move looming in our future. Germany happens in November but SC happens much sooner. My biggest move, without my husband but my biggest challenge is that I've put roots down. Big roots. Deep roots. While I know we will keep in touch with many, some more than others, it's hard to imagine that we won't be walking in the doors of our church together anymore. Port leaves for OBC (armor school) June 2 and won't return until Oct to Dec. I will be heading to SC with the kiddos on my own, the house will be rented, and saying goodbye to CO. Port will of course join us in SC once schools are done and from there we will fly to Germany.

So what brought all of this on you ask? We met with JJYPSO yesterday (the army moving company) and have arranged for our house to be packed and stored, the car shipped....all so the house can be ready for our renters on August 1. We sign our final paperwork at the end of the month.

Perhaps I shouldn't have put some roots down. Maybe I did what lots of military wives have advised me not to do.....but I'm so glad for my roots. For this world is not my home. I am truly an alien here as the word says. My roots here in CO, in our church will carry me on to SC and then to Germany to complete the work the LORD has set for us to do.


1 comment:

  1. Roots are important. They are vital really. If you have no roots as a plant, then you won't survive. I think the same holds true for people too.
    Imagine what life would have been like with out our church, and the friends you have made there. That's scary in more ways than one! Had you not put roots down here the huge wonderful, sometimes challenging personal growth (that I've had the privilege of seeing)could not have happened. You will be alright in all of this. The Lord is your refuge no matter where you go. In 3 years you'll be saying the same thing about Germany, about how you didn't expect to put roots down there but are so glad you did, and off you will go on another Army adventure. love ya!
