Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Up's and Down's and Doing It God's Way

I have had on my heart to share with you all this evening, as I'm sure we're not the only ones going thru struggles, trials, ect these days. After all, Jesus tells us that we all will at some time and not to be surprised by them! (1 Peter 4:12-13) He also tell us that in our trials we will gain perseverance, thus allowing our faith to grow to an even stronger level (1 Peter 1:6-7).

I think as believers we all come to a cross roads and we have a choice to make. Will we do it our way or God's way? Will our marriage be glorifying and pleasing to Him or will we look out only for ourselves? Will we raise our children in His ways and teach them of Him or wait for life to pass us all by? Will we be good servants with the money He gives us or will we spend how we want too when we want? Will we abstain from the things He warns us of such as drugs, alcohol, sex outside of marriage or will we live life as one big party?

To me, the way of the world does seem easier at times but I couldn't imagine a life with no close and personal relationship with my Father. My flesh takes over and for a minute I ponder a life with no eternal consequences, missing tithe to pay down my credit card, engaging in foolish argument knowing it won't do any good....but is it all worth it?

As Christians, we are called to lead a holy life(Romans 12:1). Holy, meaning to be set apart, separated from sin and to be free for service to God.

It's harder to live life this way as it takes a ton of effort for me! It takes more time and thought to NOT engage in an argument, to discipline my kids and not just allow them to watch whatever comes on the tv, to write that tithe check instead of seeing my credit card balance go down faster with each month (though I fully understand that I am what got me into the mess of a credit card to begin with), to care of my husbands needs above my own, to practice self control in all that I do, to step out of my world to serve someone else in need.

It's hard but dear friends, it's so worth it. It's so worth that feeling of knowing that our Savior is pleased with your thoughts, words and actions. It's worth knowing that maybe you planted a seed with someone who doesn't know the love of Jesus by helping them when no one else would. It's worth going thru the yucky in your marriage to come out stronger and better than before instead of just calling it quits when time's get tough.

So I leave you with this tonight, keep pressing on and run the good race. Don't give up on yourself just as He hasn't given up on you!


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