Monday, December 20, 2010
Here we go!
I can say I'm overwhelmed this morning, but in a good way!
Last week Port's commander graciously approved leave time allowing Port to be with me and the kids for the entire time Riley will be at the hospital. What a blessing to be able to have my rock, my support there with me!
Our Pastor got the word out right away and we have since then been flooded, and I mean FLOODED with people willing to help wherever they can. We have had offers ranging from people making meals, to childcare for the big kids, to laundry and housework while we are gone.
I can see the body functioning as the way Christ desires for it to. All of His people filling in the gap, stepping up to serve, loving and encouraging one another. Now I just need not to be a kink in the body and allow others to help. That's a whole different issue though lol.
It's all coming together, slowly but surely! Thank you to everyone for your prayers and support for our Riley girl! Thank you to our friends, family and church for helping so much! You are such a blessing to us, each and every one of you!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Our new journey
Several months ago when Riley was much smaller, Port and I laid her at the alter. We held her ever so tight and begged the LORD to heal her, to take her pain, allow her to grow. And we waited. Nothing happened. Then she became worse. We spent a week at Denver Children's Hospital with MRSA, a flesh eating, very antibiotic resistant form of staff. After she was released from the hospital we brought her home to continue 2 more weeks of IV meds with an in home care nurse. Again, that Sunday, the LORD urged me to take her back to the alter. We did. This time, we removed our hands and laid our sleeping baby on the alter with loved ones gathered around us, praying, lifting us all up. And we waited. Again, nothing happened. A few short weeks later, more ear infections. This time was staff A, a common staff.
As we begged for her healing, we learned to be content with whatever the LORD had for Riley. Again, just a matter of weeks later, with still very slow growth, lagging development, continued head banging on any surface she could find, her pediterician shared with us that she still felt we were missing something. Though Riley had not been sick recently, there had to be a reason for the head banding, not eating, not sleeping, slow growth, no weight gain. We were referred to National Jewish, a hospital here in Colorado, or should I say Denver. We prayed and we waited.
This week they called. A team of doctors want to work with Riley, run tests, try therapies...they say if there is anything to find, if there is any diagnosis for Riley, they will find it.
Riley has been enrolled in a 10 day, day time program. We will begin at 8 a.m. and end at 6 p.m. for 10 full business days. Riley will undergo nearly every test imaginable as the doctors search and examine any and everything that could remotely relate to her symptoms. She will undergo every blood test, every single allergy test to determine if she has any blood infections, deep immune system dysfunctions or deficiencies. She will go thru every therapy to determine what her developmental delays are and why, if she needs leg braces to correct her alkalies heels, feeding therapy to improve her diet to more than liquids with very few solids.
I am in such a scared and overwhelmed state though my faith is strong. This is a God thing for sure and a chance for Riley to really be understood. I can't fathom giving my baby to a doctor day after day for her to endure all that lies ahead of her. Please don't let her hurt I pray. Please don't let her be scared. Is there any way I can do this for her?
I invite you to stand with us on this journey, to pray with us, to pray for our Riley. I have roughly 2 weeks to make all accommodations for our 2 other kids, Leea and Carson. I struggle to assure Riley's care while keeping our family together as much as possible. Leea and Carson will not be allowed for any of her tests and therapies. While Riley won't be staying overnight, I will be away from the big kids more than I have ever been before, as we travel back and forth to Denver (roughly a 2 hour drive one way).
As we begin this emotional roller coaster, this new journey of faith and adjusting, I am in hopes of keeping our family and friends updated for each phase of this new step God has for us. I continue to hold fast to the amazing God we serve, our provider, our healer, our comforter and protector. The one and only God who holds my future, the future of my family, the future of my Riley girl in his precious hands.
Friday, December 10, 2010
A stocking!
I have never sewn anything..EVER...not by hand and not by machine. Recently though, I decided to attempt to hand sew stockings for my family. Off to the fabric store I went! I left with several prints of fabric, all in 1/2 yard increments, needles, a thimble, pom poms and a lot of ambition!
It's not the most beautiful stocking you've ever seen (the shape is kinda funky lol) and it won't hold any heavy gifts but I'm so proud of it! My first one is complete and only 6 more to go:)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
A Thanksgiving first!
This year for Thanksgiving our family was together. Daddy was not training, not in the field, not on a deployment, but at home! I decided for the very special and rare occasion I would treat it as just that! I began to pray as to how to make this Thanksgiving different than any other and I felt the LORD saying to me that it was time for me to prepare such a meal on my own for my family! After a few days of excuses, whining, anxiousness I saw He wasn't budging so I needed to get to cooking! I planned a meal, bought my groceries and supplies..oh wait, a super funny! I was looking for a meat thermometer and found one that had what looked like a baster and a thermometer in the same package! Feeling quite clever I purchased my new found kitchen tool only to later see on the package that it is a candy thermometer! Oh well, I tried lol!
The day was such a blessed day indeed. After hours in the kitchen, praying over each step and listening for the LORD to guide me, everything was ready and the table was set! The entire meal was beyond yummy! My family ate it right up! Tears of joy were in my eyes all day...over the meal that actually turned out and all that I have to be thankful for. Even now, on this first day of December, with the hubby gone once again to the field, I have such an overflowing cup:)
Monday, November 15, 2010
Do I love it?
It's been too long since I sat down to blog. The summer travels are thankfully over and before I knew it fall/winter in CO has hit. Life has def kept me busy and blogging has sadly fallen down lower and lower on my "to-do list."
I had the amazing opportunity this past week to accompany Leea to a mother-daughter pajama party at her homeschooling school. She attends one full day a week and has so for the past month. Rocky Mountain Classical Academy has really allowed her to blossom in making friends, accepting instruction from an adult that isn't her father or myself, improved her reading skills and has even taught her how to deal with a bully.
Anyway, we went together to the mother-daughter pajama party, just the two of us. That alone was incredible enough. We don't get to do much just the two of us anymore, between church, church activities, family and a younger brother and sister. Daddy rocked out with Carson and Riley while Leea and I enjoyed ourselves at the party.
I sat down at a table with several other moms who were playing card games (all the girls were playing board games together). I was in hopes to make a new friend or two, at least get to know some of the other moms. Many of them have been doing the RMCA program for the past 5 years and I am a newbie. After some light conversation and a few laughs, one of the mom's asked me if I love homeschooling. I myself was surprised at my own hesitation to respond. I didn't know what to say. Why didn't I know what to say? Do I love it? If I do I should just say so. If I don't I need to figure out why and fix it...right?
As I'm having my personal revelation of sorts, another mom not only picked up on but announced my delay in responding. "Oh no,that's real hesitation! Why isn't it going well? Do you not love it?" Following came a wave of aaawwww's and oooohhhh's. Not exactly the first impression I was hoping to make and I needed to recover.
I explained that I have two other kids at home to care for, a very brief summery of Riley's health issues (if there is such a thing) and therapies, being a military wife and how that alone consists of lots of changes. I knew though that I hadn't totally answered the question asked. Do I love homeschooling? Truth is, I constantly beat myself up over what I think homeschooling should be,if I did enough that day, where I lack, the struggles we've had with schooling and a very sick baby for an entire year plus.
Several mom's lent their encouragement and understanding throughout the remainder of the evening. I slowly began to lose the feeling of being a newbie and hurt pride from confessing my less than perfect homeschooling ventures. I heard many other stories from other moms that have been there and done that. But then I realized....
We set out to homeschool our kids because it's about obedience to what we know God has told us to do with our kids. It's about our beliefs, our convictions. It's about the freedoms we have as homeschooling parents. We do what we want, when we want. We do field trips, projects, family time, pj days, sleeping in, getting up early, staying up late, lessons and no lessons. We have the freedom to be together as much as possible, to love every minute of our family being around each other. Somewhere along the way though, I lost sight of those freedoms. I became hard, critical of myself, unforgiving of my weaknesses. I know that isn't at all what God has intended for me to feel. He has blessed me with such freedoms with our kids that many don't have. If I don't love homeschooling, it's because I've yet to embrace those very freedoms. After doing a good bit of soul searching over the last few days on my response or there lack of, I think I really do love it. In fact, I know I do:)
I had the amazing opportunity this past week to accompany Leea to a mother-daughter pajama party at her homeschooling school. She attends one full day a week and has so for the past month. Rocky Mountain Classical Academy has really allowed her to blossom in making friends, accepting instruction from an adult that isn't her father or myself, improved her reading skills and has even taught her how to deal with a bully.
Anyway, we went together to the mother-daughter pajama party, just the two of us. That alone was incredible enough. We don't get to do much just the two of us anymore, between church, church activities, family and a younger brother and sister. Daddy rocked out with Carson and Riley while Leea and I enjoyed ourselves at the party.
I sat down at a table with several other moms who were playing card games (all the girls were playing board games together). I was in hopes to make a new friend or two, at least get to know some of the other moms. Many of them have been doing the RMCA program for the past 5 years and I am a newbie. After some light conversation and a few laughs, one of the mom's asked me if I love homeschooling. I myself was surprised at my own hesitation to respond. I didn't know what to say. Why didn't I know what to say? Do I love it? If I do I should just say so. If I don't I need to figure out why and fix it...right?
As I'm having my personal revelation of sorts, another mom not only picked up on but announced my delay in responding. "Oh no,that's real hesitation! Why isn't it going well? Do you not love it?" Following came a wave of aaawwww's and oooohhhh's. Not exactly the first impression I was hoping to make and I needed to recover.
I explained that I have two other kids at home to care for, a very brief summery of Riley's health issues (if there is such a thing) and therapies, being a military wife and how that alone consists of lots of changes. I knew though that I hadn't totally answered the question asked. Do I love homeschooling? Truth is, I constantly beat myself up over what I think homeschooling should be,if I did enough that day, where I lack, the struggles we've had with schooling and a very sick baby for an entire year plus.
Several mom's lent their encouragement and understanding throughout the remainder of the evening. I slowly began to lose the feeling of being a newbie and hurt pride from confessing my less than perfect homeschooling ventures. I heard many other stories from other moms that have been there and done that. But then I realized....
We set out to homeschool our kids because it's about obedience to what we know God has told us to do with our kids. It's about our beliefs, our convictions. It's about the freedoms we have as homeschooling parents. We do what we want, when we want. We do field trips, projects, family time, pj days, sleeping in, getting up early, staying up late, lessons and no lessons. We have the freedom to be together as much as possible, to love every minute of our family being around each other. Somewhere along the way though, I lost sight of those freedoms. I became hard, critical of myself, unforgiving of my weaknesses. I know that isn't at all what God has intended for me to feel. He has blessed me with such freedoms with our kids that many don't have. If I don't love homeschooling, it's because I've yet to embrace those very freedoms. After doing a good bit of soul searching over the last few days on my response or there lack of, I think I really do love it. In fact, I know I do:)
Monday, October 18, 2010
As most of you know our family has been physically seperated for the last 6 months as daddy was schooling it up with the army. As of last night, our family is back together! I'm so happy to have my husband home, my helper and my love! I'm also so happy to have a computer back as I've been super excited to catch up on blogging! I have tons to post, even more pics to share and lots to read up on! As for now, I'm off for family activties! Thanks for keeping up with us and for your prayers!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
It's been too long!
Boy have I missed blogging! I sit now at one of my dearest friends house in SC trying to prepare for this last week in SC before returning to CO. I must keep my head in the game! The kids and I have been traveling for 2 entire months! It's been a long time to be out and about, away from home but we've made it!
We have visited a ton of family and friends. We have been so blessed by the company of those we've been able to see. We've been staying with Port's dad WAY out in the country where internet and cell phone reception are nearly unheard of! I've been out of my element to say the least but I try hard to hang on the the principle that as Christians we are called to live a life out of our comfort zones. We have to get out of the boat!
We've been to Atlanta, NC and KY in the two months of being on the go.Riley of course has continued to be sick with severe asthma,allergies, an ear infection and most recently pneumonia. Good thing I packed her nebulizer! We've taken a break from schooling for the most part and have just taken the time to enjoy a different kind of life. We spent a week with my amazing husband and now it must be enough to carry me through until we are together again.
I've learned a lot of the last 2 months. I continue to strive to be more accepting of my faults, caring less of what others think of me(including the world) and more comfortable in my own skin. I've had a lot of time to think, to really hear what God is saying and to figure out who I am and who I want to be. Thankfully, we are all works. Though I get that home for me is not on this earth, I also think there is something to be said for being in a place you call yours, a safe place, a sanctuary, a place where I wait for my husband to return from another months in the field, a most recent deployment.
I have become more thankful and my eyes have been opened to things I didn't even know existed. I have learned so much from those around me and even what real genuine friendship is about. Let's be thankful friends. Let's not judge until we've walked a mile in that person's shoes. Let's strive to be who Christ created us to be.
Never did I ever imagine that I would trade the ocean for my mountains!
We have visited a ton of family and friends. We have been so blessed by the company of those we've been able to see. We've been staying with Port's dad WAY out in the country where internet and cell phone reception are nearly unheard of! I've been out of my element to say the least but I try hard to hang on the the principle that as Christians we are called to live a life out of our comfort zones. We have to get out of the boat!
We've been to Atlanta, NC and KY in the two months of being on the go.Riley of course has continued to be sick with severe asthma,allergies, an ear infection and most recently pneumonia. Good thing I packed her nebulizer! We've taken a break from schooling for the most part and have just taken the time to enjoy a different kind of life. We spent a week with my amazing husband and now it must be enough to carry me through until we are together again.
I've learned a lot of the last 2 months. I continue to strive to be more accepting of my faults, caring less of what others think of me(including the world) and more comfortable in my own skin. I've had a lot of time to think, to really hear what God is saying and to figure out who I am and who I want to be. Thankfully, we are all works. Though I get that home for me is not on this earth, I also think there is something to be said for being in a place you call yours, a safe place, a sanctuary, a place where I wait for my husband to return from another months in the field, a most recent deployment.
I have become more thankful and my eyes have been opened to things I didn't even know existed. I have learned so much from those around me and even what real genuine friendship is about. Let's be thankful friends. Let's not judge until we've walked a mile in that person's shoes. Let's strive to be who Christ created us to be.
Never did I ever imagine that I would trade the ocean for my mountains!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
When we said Yes
During Port's last tour to Iraq in 2008, we said yes. We said yes to each other and we said yes to God. We said yes to live a life of being holy, raising our children in God's ways, teaching them of his love. We said yes to having a godly marriage, doing things His way. We aren't perfect and more times that not, it's so stinkin hard.
We got real with each other and with God during this time but we had no idea what laid ahead of us. We didn't know that many times when you say yes to God, what we deal with here on earth can go to crap, fall apart and just be rotten.
We felt God strongly calling us to continue with the army but to really step it up a notch. Our calling is to the military and beyond but really focusing on the military that needs to hear the news of Christ and how He came to save them. We renewed our contract with the army and my personal calling became quite clear. As an army wife I must be an example, a leader to the other ladies. Together Port and I need to show them how good life can be, how you can be in love with your spouse every day, you can raise your kids in a good home, a home where we serve Him and only Him. No matter Port's rank, even if he wasn't an officer, my job is the same and it goes hand in hand with my job here at home.
Since that time we felt God stirring our hearts to home school. We said yes once again and agreed that this was the way for our family. It's been an uphill challenge the whole way as we've dealt with much since making this huge move.
We gave up a baby that we were never able to see and hold but wanted to so badly. God blessed me with a vision of her that I will never have far from my heart. We went thru the most horrible procedure imaginable to us and laid her mentally and spiritually at the alter of God with our church family holding us close.
Port later felt the calling to teach a bible study thru our church but to the college and campus people. For months every week we paid a sitter and met at UCCS with a group of believers and those who didn't. We handed this huge project to another couple who shared in our vision for the group when port received an assignment consisting of schools that would take him away from home.
We were later blessed with our Riley girl who most of you know has had one health issue after another. Leea's schooling has suffered in many ways bc of the time and care Riley needs on a daily basis. Twice we felt God saying to physically her to the alter. The same alter we laid an unborn baby girl named Hannah just a year before. We gave Riley to God, entrusting Him but praying for her healing. We laid her on His alter and took our hands off her, literally to symbolize to us and God that she is totally His.
I gave family members to God to let Him move, taking myself out of the equation until he put me back in. We learned a lot of lessons last year alone about family. It's so hard to know that YOU can't save anyone. They have to want it first. I walked away with my heart in a million pieces in my hands only to wait for months for Port to return so we could deal together. My scars as as fresh today as they were last summer. My hurt continues each day but I don't give up hope. Again, I leaned on my church family. I leaned on my God.
We have endured many physical separations due to the army's calling for Port and what he must fulfill. Most of our biggest family decisions have been made in a series of phone calls and email. It's not really ideal but is the way it must be. Our marriage has had one defining hurdle to overcome non stop for the last 2 1/2 yrs. It seems we have stayed in the fire if you know what I mean. I have prayed at times for a break from it, yet I know that our perseverance glorifies our Father.
My health is the worst it's ever been. Sparing some detail, I continue to pray daily for a healing, that God will either open or shut doors for upcoming surgeries for me.
My point in sharing all of this is not to boast, complain or air our dirty laundry as some may say. My mind for the most part is unable to process and understand all there is concerning spiritual warfare. I only know that it's very real. I can tell you for a fact that our family has dealt with it on a daily basis without relent for what feels like much too long.
In all of this, I know and believe totally that God has allowed every bit for He is our creator and ruler. Our lives are God filtered. It's when the craziness starts, when the trials come, when the pain is so intense I can't breath, when the heat is on so high it burns, that I know we are doing what we should be for Christ.
I encourage you my friends to keep on. Keep on and run the good race. Take comfort in that you are not alone in the trials and problems you face today. It's all temporary and this too will pass. I have seen so many lately back away, turn an assignment down because of fear, because of the unknown, because of the attack you are under. Don't let that be you!
We got real with each other and with God during this time but we had no idea what laid ahead of us. We didn't know that many times when you say yes to God, what we deal with here on earth can go to crap, fall apart and just be rotten.
We felt God strongly calling us to continue with the army but to really step it up a notch. Our calling is to the military and beyond but really focusing on the military that needs to hear the news of Christ and how He came to save them. We renewed our contract with the army and my personal calling became quite clear. As an army wife I must be an example, a leader to the other ladies. Together Port and I need to show them how good life can be, how you can be in love with your spouse every day, you can raise your kids in a good home, a home where we serve Him and only Him. No matter Port's rank, even if he wasn't an officer, my job is the same and it goes hand in hand with my job here at home.
Since that time we felt God stirring our hearts to home school. We said yes once again and agreed that this was the way for our family. It's been an uphill challenge the whole way as we've dealt with much since making this huge move.
We gave up a baby that we were never able to see and hold but wanted to so badly. God blessed me with a vision of her that I will never have far from my heart. We went thru the most horrible procedure imaginable to us and laid her mentally and spiritually at the alter of God with our church family holding us close.
Port later felt the calling to teach a bible study thru our church but to the college and campus people. For months every week we paid a sitter and met at UCCS with a group of believers and those who didn't. We handed this huge project to another couple who shared in our vision for the group when port received an assignment consisting of schools that would take him away from home.
We were later blessed with our Riley girl who most of you know has had one health issue after another. Leea's schooling has suffered in many ways bc of the time and care Riley needs on a daily basis. Twice we felt God saying to physically her to the alter. The same alter we laid an unborn baby girl named Hannah just a year before. We gave Riley to God, entrusting Him but praying for her healing. We laid her on His alter and took our hands off her, literally to symbolize to us and God that she is totally His.
I gave family members to God to let Him move, taking myself out of the equation until he put me back in. We learned a lot of lessons last year alone about family. It's so hard to know that YOU can't save anyone. They have to want it first. I walked away with my heart in a million pieces in my hands only to wait for months for Port to return so we could deal together. My scars as as fresh today as they were last summer. My hurt continues each day but I don't give up hope. Again, I leaned on my church family. I leaned on my God.
We have endured many physical separations due to the army's calling for Port and what he must fulfill. Most of our biggest family decisions have been made in a series of phone calls and email. It's not really ideal but is the way it must be. Our marriage has had one defining hurdle to overcome non stop for the last 2 1/2 yrs. It seems we have stayed in the fire if you know what I mean. I have prayed at times for a break from it, yet I know that our perseverance glorifies our Father.
My health is the worst it's ever been. Sparing some detail, I continue to pray daily for a healing, that God will either open or shut doors for upcoming surgeries for me.
My point in sharing all of this is not to boast, complain or air our dirty laundry as some may say. My mind for the most part is unable to process and understand all there is concerning spiritual warfare. I only know that it's very real. I can tell you for a fact that our family has dealt with it on a daily basis without relent for what feels like much too long.
In all of this, I know and believe totally that God has allowed every bit for He is our creator and ruler. Our lives are God filtered. It's when the craziness starts, when the trials come, when the pain is so intense I can't breath, when the heat is on so high it burns, that I know we are doing what we should be for Christ.
I encourage you my friends to keep on. Keep on and run the good race. Take comfort in that you are not alone in the trials and problems you face today. It's all temporary and this too will pass. I have seen so many lately back away, turn an assignment down because of fear, because of the unknown, because of the attack you are under. Don't let that be you!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
momma's happy thoughts list:)
This past year we've been trying to get our 6 yr old to sleep in her own bed, in her room. She has a beautiful room that we've worked so hard on just for her but apparently it takes more than that these days. I've given up for now bc with all our moves/travels it's just too much of a big deal to get bedtimes and kids in their beds. However, back when this momma was on a mission I created a "Leea's Happy Thoughts List." We sat together and she named for me all the things in life that make her feel happy, special, excited, blessed ect.and taped it to on the wall of her room for her to see from her bed. Then I thought, hey I should do the same for myself! So without any further prolonging, I give you, "Momma's Happy Thoughts List."
1) my awesome hubby and I will celebrate 9 yrs of marriage this Sept!
2) at the end of the day, all 3 kiddos just want to be in bed with me!
(pretty amazing considering that they've put up with me all day)
3) I have the best group of friends a girl could ask for!
4) I am married to an inspiring, Godly, caring, generous, driven family man!
5)even in our trials and changes I can see God working in our family and in our home.
6) at the age of 28, I have found the bra I have always been looking for, yay GapBody!
7) my family is complete and my eternity is sealed;)
These are just a few on my list....the cool thing is that I could go on and on! A merry heart produces a thankful spirit! Count your blessings girls!
1) my awesome hubby and I will celebrate 9 yrs of marriage this Sept!
2) at the end of the day, all 3 kiddos just want to be in bed with me!
(pretty amazing considering that they've put up with me all day)
3) I have the best group of friends a girl could ask for!
4) I am married to an inspiring, Godly, caring, generous, driven family man!
5)even in our trials and changes I can see God working in our family and in our home.
6) at the age of 28, I have found the bra I have always been looking for, yay GapBody!
7) my family is complete and my eternity is sealed;)
These are just a few on my list....the cool thing is that I could go on and on! A merry heart produces a thankful spirit! Count your blessings girls!
Friday, July 23, 2010
our tiny rock star ;)
That's right....I said we've got GOOD news! This week Riley had another handful of appointments. We met with a PT therapist on Wednesday who did a PT evaluation of Riley. The goal was to see how often she would need therapy and for what. I was excited about receiving a customized treatment plan for her. After over an hour of talking with the therapist, watching her do lots of neat activities with Riley she gave me her report. Riley is having trouble still with gross motor skills (throwing a ball, sitting with correct posture, waving bye bye) but is a rock star at fine motor skills (putting pennies in a piggy bank, putting cheerios in a tiny bottle, holding a crayon). She will likely need leg and feet braces in the future. She has learned to walk but her balance has been very affected by her ear troubles, resulting in a curved alkalies heel.She has some poor muscle structure, again due to all her sicknesses that will strengthen over time as we work with her. At this time Riley needs no therapy at all, just time to grow and learn!
On Thursday we met with a speech therapist. I was super nervous about this one as Riley doesn't talk at all and she's 15 months! After two hours of watching, talking, listening, and seeing what she can do, we got the report for this one as well. Riley is able to hear but not at a normal level. She can't hear quiet noises. We don't know that this is permanent or not, time will tell. At this time she needs no therapy for this either! We were told again that she just needs time to grow and learn. Because of all her ear troubles her speech is totally delayed but she's pointing and trying to communicate in other ways.
On Friday we met with her pediatrician who looked over all the reports and agrees with the therapists. Riley will be re-evaluated again in 6-12 months with the possibility of leg and feet braces and a food clinic to improve her diet and weight gain.
Today we received the call we've been waiting for, Riley's CF blood test is negative! She has been given the clear to travel to the east coast with no therapies needed. She finally gets to just grow and be a baby. While she doesn't do everything like most other babies or even you and I, her brain is working over time according to the therapists, allowing her to learn quickly and adjust to doing things her own way.
Now I'm down to 8 days before traveling across the east coast with the kiddos and doing even more travels while we are there. I'm making purchases and lists like a mad woman. The kids have their own duffel bags with wheels, travel pillows and art supplies.
I'm asking for your input on 2 things: what is the best way to pack for such a trip where we will be almost constantly traveling for months, suggestions, tips ect. Also, please take a look at the new and improved family blog and let me know what you think of the design, my posts ect. I'm learning a lot and I've changed a lot on the blog and I know I'm not done. Thanks for reading and for your prayers over the last 15 months for our tiny rock star, Riley girl!
On Thursday we met with a speech therapist. I was super nervous about this one as Riley doesn't talk at all and she's 15 months! After two hours of watching, talking, listening, and seeing what she can do, we got the report for this one as well. Riley is able to hear but not at a normal level. She can't hear quiet noises. We don't know that this is permanent or not, time will tell. At this time she needs no therapy for this either! We were told again that she just needs time to grow and learn. Because of all her ear troubles her speech is totally delayed but she's pointing and trying to communicate in other ways.
On Friday we met with her pediatrician who looked over all the reports and agrees with the therapists. Riley will be re-evaluated again in 6-12 months with the possibility of leg and feet braces and a food clinic to improve her diet and weight gain.
Today we received the call we've been waiting for, Riley's CF blood test is negative! She has been given the clear to travel to the east coast with no therapies needed. She finally gets to just grow and be a baby. While she doesn't do everything like most other babies or even you and I, her brain is working over time according to the therapists, allowing her to learn quickly and adjust to doing things her own way.
Now I'm down to 8 days before traveling across the east coast with the kiddos and doing even more travels while we are there. I'm making purchases and lists like a mad woman. The kids have their own duffel bags with wheels, travel pillows and art supplies.
I'm asking for your input on 2 things: what is the best way to pack for such a trip where we will be almost constantly traveling for months, suggestions, tips ect. Also, please take a look at the new and improved family blog and let me know what you think of the design, my posts ect. I'm learning a lot and I've changed a lot on the blog and I know I'm not done. Thanks for reading and for your prayers over the last 15 months for our tiny rock star, Riley girl!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
A week from Crazyville!'s REALLY been that crazy busy around here. Truth be told, I've been working for some time to learn a lesson some of my other mom friends have already seemed to mastered quiet well....figuring out what I need to cut out from our schedules and what to add more of. It's that whole trying to be the best mom and wife you can be thing, lol. My Leea has seemed to imitate me more and more with each day that Port has been gone which is pretty scary but also keeps me on my toes more!
I am one that needs a plan, not a huge routine, but a plan. With a baby like Riley having a routine tends to be more stressful, but a plan is a must for me! EVERYTHING with our lives is still very much up in the air as we continue to wait for orders, Riley's test results ect.
This week Riley had 3 major appointments of which we don't know much about when it comes to results. She had a sweat test for CF on Monday which was useless as for the 4th time, she didn't sweat. She had a hearing test and eval on Tuesday, which she passed in the lower normal. On Wednesday she had another full blood workup and a blood test to once and for all either rule out or diagnose CF. Today, I received her official paper approval from our insurance company giving us a speech and developmental eval and 50 therapy sessions after. We are praying for a miracle of an appt that will allow the eval to be done before SC, just so we know more about where we stand with Riley and what needs to be done as far as therapy.
Port has been in the field and on a tank for the entire week now which has added to the daily stresses. It's super hard not to have the time you need to discuss the big things like bills, kids schooling, travel plans, updates ect. As if communication in a marriage was already challenging enough at times! He's loving his new MOS though which in the long run, allows things to go more smoothly.
Here's to a wonderful week to you all and thanks so much for reading along! Please be sure to actually use the follow caption so I can see who's staying up with us. Love you all!
I am one that needs a plan, not a huge routine, but a plan. With a baby like Riley having a routine tends to be more stressful, but a plan is a must for me! EVERYTHING with our lives is still very much up in the air as we continue to wait for orders, Riley's test results ect.
This week Riley had 3 major appointments of which we don't know much about when it comes to results. She had a sweat test for CF on Monday which was useless as for the 4th time, she didn't sweat. She had a hearing test and eval on Tuesday, which she passed in the lower normal. On Wednesday she had another full blood workup and a blood test to once and for all either rule out or diagnose CF. Today, I received her official paper approval from our insurance company giving us a speech and developmental eval and 50 therapy sessions after. We are praying for a miracle of an appt that will allow the eval to be done before SC, just so we know more about where we stand with Riley and what needs to be done as far as therapy.
Port has been in the field and on a tank for the entire week now which has added to the daily stresses. It's super hard not to have the time you need to discuss the big things like bills, kids schooling, travel plans, updates ect. As if communication in a marriage was already challenging enough at times! He's loving his new MOS though which in the long run, allows things to go more smoothly.
Here's to a wonderful week to you all and thanks so much for reading along! Please be sure to actually use the follow caption so I can see who's staying up with us. Love you all!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
get your yoga on, a new school year already?, prepping for SC trip!
About 4 months ago I found myself sitting with my husband in a doctors office listening to the symptoms check list for fibromyalgia while being poked on several pressure points on my body. This came after nearly a year of suffering from what felt like I had the flu, my body had the WORST aches and pains, wobbly legs, feet and hands that fall asleep all the time, trouble remembering and concentrating ect. My doc handed me a bunch of pills and suggested exercise as a daily routine. Who can do that with 3 kids and no gym membership?! Granted while there are some great medicines that help, most doctors in the US don't recognize fibromyalgia as a real issue for what affects millions of people. I've tried a few different medications and have one now that most of the time is able to aid me in day to day activities. I often struggle in being the "old me" and staying active for our kids. The trick I'm learning though, is to
1) realize that my walk with the Lord, my quiet time, journal time and prayer time with Him will help more than any medicine, therapy ect.
2) my diet can also largely affect how I feel so I must eat better to feel better.
3) yoga and I have become great friends. At first I thought I would never be able to do some of the moves these yoga masters do but it's not so hard once you try! I'm working on a personal commitment to rise early not just for more of the quiet time I need with the Lord, but also to have enough time to do yoga a few times a week. The techniques can help you to relax, just breathe and help you to become more physically fit. It works wonders since most research supports that fibromyalgia is brought on my stress.
I'm also preparing for new year of homeschooling for the Port household.I struggled with when to start since we have travels taking place for the next few months. I know though that the longer we hold off, is the longer we hold off! With a house full of kiddos, you just have to dive in and do it! We had to take off so much time with Leea last year due to Riley's health issues and I really want to take it to the next level for her this year as she begins 1st grade. I also will be schooling Carson for pre-k. So as my work load doubles, so does the fun;)
If all works out well, we are planning on flying out to the east coast to visit with family in just 2 weeks for the next 3 months! We are still waiting on orders to come thru, on Riley's testing to be scheduled, so do continue to keep us in prayer as there are still many decisions to be made for our family.
So to my homeschooling mom friends, let's do it ladies! And to everyone following along, give yoga a try and happy stretching;)
1) realize that my walk with the Lord, my quiet time, journal time and prayer time with Him will help more than any medicine, therapy ect.
2) my diet can also largely affect how I feel so I must eat better to feel better.
3) yoga and I have become great friends. At first I thought I would never be able to do some of the moves these yoga masters do but it's not so hard once you try! I'm working on a personal commitment to rise early not just for more of the quiet time I need with the Lord, but also to have enough time to do yoga a few times a week. The techniques can help you to relax, just breathe and help you to become more physically fit. It works wonders since most research supports that fibromyalgia is brought on my stress.
I'm also preparing for new year of homeschooling for the Port household.I struggled with when to start since we have travels taking place for the next few months. I know though that the longer we hold off, is the longer we hold off! With a house full of kiddos, you just have to dive in and do it! We had to take off so much time with Leea last year due to Riley's health issues and I really want to take it to the next level for her this year as she begins 1st grade. I also will be schooling Carson for pre-k. So as my work load doubles, so does the fun;)
If all works out well, we are planning on flying out to the east coast to visit with family in just 2 weeks for the next 3 months! We are still waiting on orders to come thru, on Riley's testing to be scheduled, so do continue to keep us in prayer as there are still many decisions to be made for our family.
So to my homeschooling mom friends, let's do it ladies! And to everyone following along, give yoga a try and happy stretching;)
Thursday, July 8, 2010
truckin down our bumpy road!
So last week we were told that our orders to Germany were canceled due to the health of our tiny one, Riley girl. This of course all took place on the last business day before a 4 day weekend for the 4th of July. The good news? MY HUBBY WAS HOME!!!!! We spent one super amazing weekend together as a family....aaahhhh he just brings the peace back around here! We had almost an entire day of date time, thanks to a super great sitter, which included an 18 mile bike ride on Santa Fe trail, lunch, smoothies and some REI shopping. The kids and I were terribly sad to see daddy go again!
As we approached the start of a new business week we knew we had to make some serious decisions for our family and for the health of Riley. After days of hard praying, enlisting the help of our church and friends and family that know us best, we felt God was making known a plan for us to follow on. It makes total sense for our family and will keep some calmness around here while allowing us to get the best care possible for Riley.
My husband in all of his awesomeness jumped right on it and has been working way hard non stop to get our plans known and on track with the army. We're back to waiting of course, lol, to see if all pans out with the army, if our plans will be what we hope for but that's ok. I'm totally security oriented so just having a plan to be working on will keep me semi settled enough for now.
In the meantime, my poor kids and husband have paid the price for my ultra high stress levels. I'm quite certain that they feel someone traded their mommy for this insane monster of a lady that just won't chill out.It's amazing my husband still calls, lol! I thank my God every night for the love and forgiveness that my kids have in their tiny hearts, for the commitment my husband has to our marriage. I'm hanging on to my sanity by a thread but none the less, I'm hanging on. God is so faithful and has continued to show up in my life every day, many times a day, giving me His assurance, reminding me of what I am to do now and next. Riley will FINALLY get the care she needs as we have the full attention of the army and plenty of other doctors in CO! The hard part is taking her for all these tests, putting her thru what I would rather do for her and waiting for results to come back. I am reminded tonight from the facebook status of a family member, Aunt Kathy says it best..."little ones to HIM belong, they are weak but HE is strong." Funny how sometimes God can use something as silly as facebook and a children's hymn to speak such volumes to you.
As we approached the start of a new business week we knew we had to make some serious decisions for our family and for the health of Riley. After days of hard praying, enlisting the help of our church and friends and family that know us best, we felt God was making known a plan for us to follow on. It makes total sense for our family and will keep some calmness around here while allowing us to get the best care possible for Riley.
My husband in all of his awesomeness jumped right on it and has been working way hard non stop to get our plans known and on track with the army. We're back to waiting of course, lol, to see if all pans out with the army, if our plans will be what we hope for but that's ok. I'm totally security oriented so just having a plan to be working on will keep me semi settled enough for now.
In the meantime, my poor kids and husband have paid the price for my ultra high stress levels. I'm quite certain that they feel someone traded their mommy for this insane monster of a lady that just won't chill out.It's amazing my husband still calls, lol! I thank my God every night for the love and forgiveness that my kids have in their tiny hearts, for the commitment my husband has to our marriage. I'm hanging on to my sanity by a thread but none the less, I'm hanging on. God is so faithful and has continued to show up in my life every day, many times a day, giving me His assurance, reminding me of what I am to do now and next. Riley will FINALLY get the care she needs as we have the full attention of the army and plenty of other doctors in CO! The hard part is taking her for all these tests, putting her thru what I would rather do for her and waiting for results to come back. I am reminded tonight from the facebook status of a family member, Aunt Kathy says it best..."little ones to HIM belong, they are weak but HE is strong." Funny how sometimes God can use something as silly as facebook and a children's hymn to speak such volumes to you.
Monday, July 5, 2010
A new assignment
Just as I am finally done with all of our medical appointments for physicals and getting the house packed we learn that the army has cancelled our orders for Germany in November. Riley has been put on EFMP, meaning her medical and health issues are too great for her to travel too far, much less overseas. The army feels that it just isn't safe to take her to Germany. While Port and I agree, it's kinda hard to have so much in limbo. Traveling to the east coast this summer is on stand by as we don't know if I will need to be packing the house by then to PCS elsewhere or if we will be staying in CO. New orders could take just a short amount of time or could drag out into weeks and weeks. We have options we are looking at and pray to have some good news for our family soon.
In the meantime, Riley has a hearing test along with a few other tests to try and rule out what could be a deeper issue somewhere within her tiny body. She's had none to very little growth from her 12 to 15 month well baby exams, isn't speaking at all and has yet to hit a 15 month developmental milestone. There is talk of putting her in speech and developmental therapy, depending on what some further testing reveals.
There is much uncertain for us at this time. All we really understand is that we were willing to go to Germany if that's where the LORD wanted us, that He now has different plans for us, that our Riley girl is going to begin getting the care she needs, and that our God has good plans for us, created to help us grow and prosper (Jeremiah 29:11), that He works all things for the good for those who love him (Romans 8:28), and that our family is even more army strong, more in love with each other than we were a week ago.
In the meantime, Riley has a hearing test along with a few other tests to try and rule out what could be a deeper issue somewhere within her tiny body. She's had none to very little growth from her 12 to 15 month well baby exams, isn't speaking at all and has yet to hit a 15 month developmental milestone. There is talk of putting her in speech and developmental therapy, depending on what some further testing reveals.
There is much uncertain for us at this time. All we really understand is that we were willing to go to Germany if that's where the LORD wanted us, that He now has different plans for us, that our Riley girl is going to begin getting the care she needs, and that our God has good plans for us, created to help us grow and prosper (Jeremiah 29:11), that He works all things for the good for those who love him (Romans 8:28), and that our family is even more army strong, more in love with each other than we were a week ago.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
What we might and might not know....
Last week we requested prayers for our tiny one Riley girl for what we thought was a MRSA repeat. While it's not as bad, she does have a different type of staff infection in her ear that she is being treated for. God is good and has spared us what could have been a much worse time for Riley.
Meanwhile, we are preparing for our big move. This week has been crazy busy with appointments nearly every day and a do list that grows by the minute. The house will officially be rented out to some of our best friends here in CO starting in August. It's hard to believe that in just a month we will be out of CO, in the east coast and my home will be occupied by others who will make it theirs!
As part of the army process to PCS, you have to go through EFMP. The purpose of EFMP is to screen all health issues for each member of the family to insure that for whatever health issues you have, you will receive proper health care in your next destination. It is a mandatory process for each solider and their family and as part of the process as a whole you must get a physical.
Leea and Carson had great physicals. Aside from a few small improvements in their diets they did great. Riley not so much. She weighed in at just 18lbs and will soon be 15 months old. She's in the 1% where she's been for a while now. She still is not speaking a single word aside from a rare "ma." She tries to babble at times but not much. While she is walking, she hasn't mastered any of the 15 month developmental milestones. Her doctor and her ENT have thought for months and still thinks that cystic fybrosis is a concern and valid diagnosis. She was tested for this several times when she spent a week at Denver Childrens Hospital in April but we never were able to get a clear result. Her doctor has confirmed that we most definitely have some hearing loss issues and has ordered a hearing test to see to what extent. She has also recommended speech and developmental therapy for Riley.
We leave in a month for our travels and to being a new life of living out of suitcases which makes speech and developmental therapy kinda hard to do. So, we wait and see what happens over the next few months and we let time tell. Any amount of news wouldn't change our love for her anyhow. It's clear that with all Riley has gone through she has suffered hearing loss, she is tiny but her doctors think that there is more to it. She hasn't been eating for months, even though that sounds very strange...I can't even get a Popsicle much less some organic puree in her most days. So I have to really focus on her diet and on getting nutrients into her, more than I have been. I must take it to the next level as I try to begin teaching her how to talk and function, more so than before.
I think I knew all these issues were there when it comes to our Riley girl but I have pushed them to a far away place in my mind. Not wanting to look at them head on perhaps or was it all of the other million things going on in my head? Either way I faced them today, sitting on a bench and talking to her doctor, wishing Port was here to sit with me and help me sort through it.
God has a plan, I know it. He loves our Riley more than Port and I do, He made her. He holds her future. We may know tomorrow what deeper issues we deal with and we may never know. Our love will never change for her. I've learned by now to cherish her every smile, bit of laughter and milestone she has as her health is so uncertain. Please continue your prayers for our sweet girl.
Meanwhile, we are preparing for our big move. This week has been crazy busy with appointments nearly every day and a do list that grows by the minute. The house will officially be rented out to some of our best friends here in CO starting in August. It's hard to believe that in just a month we will be out of CO, in the east coast and my home will be occupied by others who will make it theirs!
As part of the army process to PCS, you have to go through EFMP. The purpose of EFMP is to screen all health issues for each member of the family to insure that for whatever health issues you have, you will receive proper health care in your next destination. It is a mandatory process for each solider and their family and as part of the process as a whole you must get a physical.
Leea and Carson had great physicals. Aside from a few small improvements in their diets they did great. Riley not so much. She weighed in at just 18lbs and will soon be 15 months old. She's in the 1% where she's been for a while now. She still is not speaking a single word aside from a rare "ma." She tries to babble at times but not much. While she is walking, she hasn't mastered any of the 15 month developmental milestones. Her doctor and her ENT have thought for months and still thinks that cystic fybrosis is a concern and valid diagnosis. She was tested for this several times when she spent a week at Denver Childrens Hospital in April but we never were able to get a clear result. Her doctor has confirmed that we most definitely have some hearing loss issues and has ordered a hearing test to see to what extent. She has also recommended speech and developmental therapy for Riley.
We leave in a month for our travels and to being a new life of living out of suitcases which makes speech and developmental therapy kinda hard to do. So, we wait and see what happens over the next few months and we let time tell. Any amount of news wouldn't change our love for her anyhow. It's clear that with all Riley has gone through she has suffered hearing loss, she is tiny but her doctors think that there is more to it. She hasn't been eating for months, even though that sounds very strange...I can't even get a Popsicle much less some organic puree in her most days. So I have to really focus on her diet and on getting nutrients into her, more than I have been. I must take it to the next level as I try to begin teaching her how to talk and function, more so than before.
I think I knew all these issues were there when it comes to our Riley girl but I have pushed them to a far away place in my mind. Not wanting to look at them head on perhaps or was it all of the other million things going on in my head? Either way I faced them today, sitting on a bench and talking to her doctor, wishing Port was here to sit with me and help me sort through it.
God has a plan, I know it. He loves our Riley more than Port and I do, He made her. He holds her future. We may know tomorrow what deeper issues we deal with and we may never know. Our love will never change for her. I've learned by now to cherish her every smile, bit of laughter and milestone she has as her health is so uncertain. Please continue your prayers for our sweet girl.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
It's really happening!
So tonight some very dear friends from our church family came over to help me in the task of separating what is to be packed and what needs to take a trip to the local dump. This was the first step in really getting the moving process going for the Port family. My goal has been to have all the stuff going to Germany, ready to go to Germany so the packers can get it all packed up and the things not going, put where they need to be as well. We've gotten rid of a ton but there is much more to do! With 3 kids, 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, there is much organizing to be done.
I believe very much the saying that says you never really know what you have until you get ready to move!
I was so blessed in having our friends here to help with such a huge project. We tore apart Carson's bed and off it went to the dump ( it's super old and really torn apart). Those that know us best know that our kids don't sleep in their beds, they never have, but prefer a bed made on the floor of our bedroom for them to sleep. Sounds strange to some but with as many moves and trips as we've had it's just too much for me to get them used to a bedtime routine over and over again. Sleeping in their own rooms is the only thing that really trips the kids up and to Port and I it really isn't a big deal. We pick our battles and one day they will be grown and in homes of their own so we take the good stuff while we can get it:)
I stood in the door way of Carson and Riley's room for a while after our friends left. He no longer has a bed and the rooms looks very empty. The crib will leave next week and then it really will be empty with the exception of the dressers!
I can remember when we first moved into this home. Port bought me my dream home. It's simple, nothing fancy at all but there is so much love here. We've had room for our family to grow and so many memories have been made here. Very soon, some very close friends to Port and I will be renting our home to make it theirs. We are so blessed to not have it sit empty but also to have people we love very much and consider family to us, to be living here while we are in Germany.
In just over a month, the babies and I will be on a plane headed for the east coast and one step closer to our family being under one roof together again as we will then prepare for our reunion for November. As I work to organize, set up and plan, I can actually see that this move is totally happening. I work on our financial and house affairs, make appointments and accomplish just a bit more with every day, I'm so very proud of the progress being made already and credit every bit of it to God as He has orchestrated every second of it.
It's bittersweet. This is our first house. So much is here for us in CO but there is a whole different world and I suspect a few people that need to hear about our Jesus waiting for us in Germany. Yep, it's totally happening.
I believe very much the saying that says you never really know what you have until you get ready to move!
I was so blessed in having our friends here to help with such a huge project. We tore apart Carson's bed and off it went to the dump ( it's super old and really torn apart). Those that know us best know that our kids don't sleep in their beds, they never have, but prefer a bed made on the floor of our bedroom for them to sleep. Sounds strange to some but with as many moves and trips as we've had it's just too much for me to get them used to a bedtime routine over and over again. Sleeping in their own rooms is the only thing that really trips the kids up and to Port and I it really isn't a big deal. We pick our battles and one day they will be grown and in homes of their own so we take the good stuff while we can get it:)
I stood in the door way of Carson and Riley's room for a while after our friends left. He no longer has a bed and the rooms looks very empty. The crib will leave next week and then it really will be empty with the exception of the dressers!
I can remember when we first moved into this home. Port bought me my dream home. It's simple, nothing fancy at all but there is so much love here. We've had room for our family to grow and so many memories have been made here. Very soon, some very close friends to Port and I will be renting our home to make it theirs. We are so blessed to not have it sit empty but also to have people we love very much and consider family to us, to be living here while we are in Germany.
In just over a month, the babies and I will be on a plane headed for the east coast and one step closer to our family being under one roof together again as we will then prepare for our reunion for November. As I work to organize, set up and plan, I can actually see that this move is totally happening. I work on our financial and house affairs, make appointments and accomplish just a bit more with every day, I'm so very proud of the progress being made already and credit every bit of it to God as He has orchestrated every second of it.
It's bittersweet. This is our first house. So much is here for us in CO but there is a whole different world and I suspect a few people that need to hear about our Jesus waiting for us in Germany. Yep, it's totally happening.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Father's Day in a box, my very best friends and special prayers for our tiny one.
My incredibly thoughtful hubby reminded me tonight that I haven't blogged all week. Why is that thoughtful you ask? He knows I love to blog and work on the blog as I continue to learn more about the blogging world, and of course to drop a hint that he's reading what I write!
This year as Port is off in KY for schools, his father's day celebration came in a box. I was so excited that he got it today so the kids and I thought he should go ahead and open it, though it's early, so that maybe he could have a fun packed weekend. Now that he's knows what he's gotten from us this year, I can have a tell all! It was a challenge this year as I had to be extra creative with a budget in mind and already having to pay to ship his special surprises. It was so neat because he opened his box with the kids and I on the phone with him, which made it feel kinda like we were together for his reactions!
Earlier this week, the kids and made our first ever batch of strawberry jam on our own (thanks to my bf Geri teaching me how it's done) to enjoy a sweet summer treat but to also send a jar daddy's way as it's his fav treat too!
In his box we included a couple of his fav magazines to read, a jar of home made jam, an REI gift card, a McDonald's gift card, and an Apple bee's gift card, a card from the kids, a card from me and this weeks sermons on CD for him to listen too during his quiet time. The kids drew pictures for him to have as some decor for his apartment and I wrote him a sappy note. Of course, nothing compares to being together for special occasions but I think we did pretty good this year!
May our daddy know how much we love him, how much we miss him now, and how proud of him we really are!
The last two weeks have been full of one disaster after another it seems. I need a dental appt as a crown came completely out, the garage door broke,the computer crashed, pay issues with the army, bank issues,a sick baby and the list goes on! One could easily give up or call it a day. I've settled for a few good cries and thanked the magnificent God we serve for my friends. I have been surrounded with the best people on the planet to be by my side when it seems my very foundation has been shaken.
I thank Jason and Geri, for lending an ear each time I've needed to talk, for cutting our grass, helping me plant, play dates, helping me clean, endless invites, taking the kids for appts, dinner and for being true servants of Christ.
I thank Jamie and Holly, who have faithfully called, text, given encouragement in prayer and talks together and offered to do any and everything despite just being reunited a week ago from a deployment of their own.
I thank my church who has been a support system, offered prayers, childcare, and has allowed me to just come as I am on the tough days. There are many more people to name by name but I would never finish this blog entry! I am so thankful to each person who has loved on us, prayed and encouraged us.
Which takes me to a special prayer request. As most know our beautiful Riley girl has been terribly sick most of her life with ear issues, staff infections and MRSA. She turned 14 months old this month! She was hospitalized for a week in April for these issues and has had 3 different surgical procedures on her ears in an effort to make her life easier. Earlier this week, horrible drainage began in her ears and back to Denver we went to talk with her doctors. I met with her surgeon, the nurse and her resident doctor. Cultures were taken to test the ear goo and all we could do was wait.
Today I received a call that staff is once again growing in her ears. Not a good sign. Lab techs are working hard to determine if it's MRSA again or a different strand and we hope to know early next week. It's very likely we are dealing with MRSA again as she's had it once before and it was one of the strongest cases her docs have seen to date. She had to be sent home with an in home care nurse and two long weeks of IV meds here. We continue to wait and pray that she be spared such an ordeal, and be healed. We know and trust that our God has a plan and is in total control. I watched her play in the yard today, so beautiful and curious of the dirt. It breaks my heart that something so terrible, an intruder of sorts is invading her now. She sleeps now and I seek wisdom from the only one who gives it in abundance to all who ask. It's the worse feeling really, aside from sending your husband to war, but to see your baby sick and feeling so helpless. I feel quite overwhelmed at the thought of another procedure, hospital stay or IV meds without the help of daddy here. Please offer up your prayers for our Riley girl when she comes to your mind.
I leave this entry tonight reflecting on quite a bit. I encourage you to love on your husbands always, but more so this weekend to show your appreciation to them, to thank your own earthly Fathers and to love our heavenly Father with all your heart, soul, might and strength. Thank Him for your health and that of your babies. Seek Him if you are pondering something in your life and walking in a wilderness of your own. He so cares for the smallest details of your life. Lastly, pray for our tiny one.
This year as Port is off in KY for schools, his father's day celebration came in a box. I was so excited that he got it today so the kids and I thought he should go ahead and open it, though it's early, so that maybe he could have a fun packed weekend. Now that he's knows what he's gotten from us this year, I can have a tell all! It was a challenge this year as I had to be extra creative with a budget in mind and already having to pay to ship his special surprises. It was so neat because he opened his box with the kids and I on the phone with him, which made it feel kinda like we were together for his reactions!
Earlier this week, the kids and made our first ever batch of strawberry jam on our own (thanks to my bf Geri teaching me how it's done) to enjoy a sweet summer treat but to also send a jar daddy's way as it's his fav treat too!
In his box we included a couple of his fav magazines to read, a jar of home made jam, an REI gift card, a McDonald's gift card, and an Apple bee's gift card, a card from the kids, a card from me and this weeks sermons on CD for him to listen too during his quiet time. The kids drew pictures for him to have as some decor for his apartment and I wrote him a sappy note. Of course, nothing compares to being together for special occasions but I think we did pretty good this year!
May our daddy know how much we love him, how much we miss him now, and how proud of him we really are!
The last two weeks have been full of one disaster after another it seems. I need a dental appt as a crown came completely out, the garage door broke,the computer crashed, pay issues with the army, bank issues,a sick baby and the list goes on! One could easily give up or call it a day. I've settled for a few good cries and thanked the magnificent God we serve for my friends. I have been surrounded with the best people on the planet to be by my side when it seems my very foundation has been shaken.
I thank Jason and Geri, for lending an ear each time I've needed to talk, for cutting our grass, helping me plant, play dates, helping me clean, endless invites, taking the kids for appts, dinner and for being true servants of Christ.
I thank Jamie and Holly, who have faithfully called, text, given encouragement in prayer and talks together and offered to do any and everything despite just being reunited a week ago from a deployment of their own.
I thank my church who has been a support system, offered prayers, childcare, and has allowed me to just come as I am on the tough days. There are many more people to name by name but I would never finish this blog entry! I am so thankful to each person who has loved on us, prayed and encouraged us.
Which takes me to a special prayer request. As most know our beautiful Riley girl has been terribly sick most of her life with ear issues, staff infections and MRSA. She turned 14 months old this month! She was hospitalized for a week in April for these issues and has had 3 different surgical procedures on her ears in an effort to make her life easier. Earlier this week, horrible drainage began in her ears and back to Denver we went to talk with her doctors. I met with her surgeon, the nurse and her resident doctor. Cultures were taken to test the ear goo and all we could do was wait.
Today I received a call that staff is once again growing in her ears. Not a good sign. Lab techs are working hard to determine if it's MRSA again or a different strand and we hope to know early next week. It's very likely we are dealing with MRSA again as she's had it once before and it was one of the strongest cases her docs have seen to date. She had to be sent home with an in home care nurse and two long weeks of IV meds here. We continue to wait and pray that she be spared such an ordeal, and be healed. We know and trust that our God has a plan and is in total control. I watched her play in the yard today, so beautiful and curious of the dirt. It breaks my heart that something so terrible, an intruder of sorts is invading her now. She sleeps now and I seek wisdom from the only one who gives it in abundance to all who ask. It's the worse feeling really, aside from sending your husband to war, but to see your baby sick and feeling so helpless. I feel quite overwhelmed at the thought of another procedure, hospital stay or IV meds without the help of daddy here. Please offer up your prayers for our Riley girl when she comes to your mind.
I leave this entry tonight reflecting on quite a bit. I encourage you to love on your husbands always, but more so this weekend to show your appreciation to them, to thank your own earthly Fathers and to love our heavenly Father with all your heart, soul, might and strength. Thank Him for your health and that of your babies. Seek Him if you are pondering something in your life and walking in a wilderness of your own. He so cares for the smallest details of your life. Lastly, pray for our tiny one.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
My gift :)
During Port's last tour I wore a dog tag he had made of me, a duplicate of his original as a bracelet. It's amazing the comfort you gain by something so small. A few days after he came home from his last tour the chain I had on the dog tag broke. I was heartbroken as he had taken me for the chain and drilled holes in the dog tag to make it a bracelet.
I have kept the dog tag in my jewelry box for the next time we would be separated for a long time. I had the idea that instead of just a plain chain, to use beads. I thought it would dress it up and give it a more girly look.
A few weeks ago Port and I were blessed with our first night away and we stayed in a beautiful bed and breakfast downtown here in CO. As we were taking a romantic stroll that afternoon I noticed a really cool looking bead shop. They had already closed so we decided to go back the next morning only to find that they didn't open for another few hours and we had to get back to the babies.
Two days before Port left for his schooling in KY, he took me back to the bead shop and had a beautiful bracelet made for me with the dog tag I've been holding onto for almost 5 years. I wear it daily as it brings me comfort and makes me feel even more proud to be an army wife. I've included a of pic for you to see how it turned out!
Thank you my love for doing something so sweet for me. I love you!
I have kept the dog tag in my jewelry box for the next time we would be separated for a long time. I had the idea that instead of just a plain chain, to use beads. I thought it would dress it up and give it a more girly look.
A few weeks ago Port and I were blessed with our first night away and we stayed in a beautiful bed and breakfast downtown here in CO. As we were taking a romantic stroll that afternoon I noticed a really cool looking bead shop. They had already closed so we decided to go back the next morning only to find that they didn't open for another few hours and we had to get back to the babies.
Two days before Port left for his schooling in KY, he took me back to the bead shop and had a beautiful bracelet made for me with the dog tag I've been holding onto for almost 5 years. I wear it daily as it brings me comfort and makes me feel even more proud to be an army wife. I've included a of pic for you to see how it turned out!
Thank you my love for doing something so sweet for me. I love you!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
One week down!
I comfort our tiny one from a bad dream and realize that it's times like these when I can see most how God has provided for and watched over my every move.
I haven't written in so long as Port was preparing to leave and I wanted to take as much time as I could for our family and date time. Most of you know, he left last Friday for Ft. Knox KY for OBC Armor school. While he's now in a beautiful furnished apartment, I sure do wish he was here in our home with me and the kiddos! He will be in school until Nov-Dec, depending on if airborne and ranger schools are available for him to take on.
The kids and I fly to GA on Aug 2 and will stay with one of his sisters, and one of my closest friends and sister, Kim for a week or so and then travel along to NC to visit with Cindy, his other sister and then to SC where we will live with his dad until he returns from schools. We do plan to travel to a few other places close to SC to visit with other family and friends while we can.
And then it hit me! I not only have to have the house packed up and our things stored until it's time for Germany but I also have to get the kids and I ready for our summer travels and reuniting with daddy. That's 2 moves on my own!
The first few days after he was gone were rough. I cried and cried as if I didn't really go through two 15 month tours and every school the army could send him too. I insisted to my sweet husband that I couldn't do all became too much for me to take on. As if I had a choice, lol!
Finding a new normal is hard, especially when you have gotten used to having something very different in your life. Port was home for 2 1/2 yrs since his last tour until he left for schools. My husband is my rock, the leader of our home, my best friend and go to person. He is so very active in the lives of our three kids. He's at the gymnastics classes, the soccer games, the t-ball and basketball clinics, the well baby check ups. He's teaching bible study, driving us around for errands, helping with the grocery shopping, the laid back one. He's at church, checking on the kids in their classes, teaching them, loving all of us, encouraging us. He's taking my hands in prayer, accompanying me at the alter, holding on to me at night.
As each day passes we get a bit better and I remember that this is just what we do. My husband was born to be a solider. He was born to lead. I am at his side, taking care of skinned knees, reading bedtime stories, driving to play dates, scheduling, making it all happen until we are together again.
For the first time in my life, my heart is in so many places. I long to be in CO where my church and friends are. I long to be in KY sharing the same bed with my husband. I long to be in SC where my family is. A small part of me feels ready for Germany, for God has a mission for us there.
As a sick baby regains her health, a computer crashes, a garage door breaks, babies fall apart for their daddy, plants threaten to die, I truly see how blessed I am. My closest friends have given me time to find me and make a plan for the months and are right at my side as I ask to lean on them. I confide as I need to, being blessed with no judgement against me. No task is to big for them to take on.
We're one week down with many more to go. I thank my close circle here in CO and those in other places of the map who are supporting us, praying for us, helping and encouraging us. I thank my husband for his bravery, his passion for the army, his love for me and our family. You rock babe!
I haven't written in so long as Port was preparing to leave and I wanted to take as much time as I could for our family and date time. Most of you know, he left last Friday for Ft. Knox KY for OBC Armor school. While he's now in a beautiful furnished apartment, I sure do wish he was here in our home with me and the kiddos! He will be in school until Nov-Dec, depending on if airborne and ranger schools are available for him to take on.
The kids and I fly to GA on Aug 2 and will stay with one of his sisters, and one of my closest friends and sister, Kim for a week or so and then travel along to NC to visit with Cindy, his other sister and then to SC where we will live with his dad until he returns from schools. We do plan to travel to a few other places close to SC to visit with other family and friends while we can.
And then it hit me! I not only have to have the house packed up and our things stored until it's time for Germany but I also have to get the kids and I ready for our summer travels and reuniting with daddy. That's 2 moves on my own!
The first few days after he was gone were rough. I cried and cried as if I didn't really go through two 15 month tours and every school the army could send him too. I insisted to my sweet husband that I couldn't do all became too much for me to take on. As if I had a choice, lol!
Finding a new normal is hard, especially when you have gotten used to having something very different in your life. Port was home for 2 1/2 yrs since his last tour until he left for schools. My husband is my rock, the leader of our home, my best friend and go to person. He is so very active in the lives of our three kids. He's at the gymnastics classes, the soccer games, the t-ball and basketball clinics, the well baby check ups. He's teaching bible study, driving us around for errands, helping with the grocery shopping, the laid back one. He's at church, checking on the kids in their classes, teaching them, loving all of us, encouraging us. He's taking my hands in prayer, accompanying me at the alter, holding on to me at night.
As each day passes we get a bit better and I remember that this is just what we do. My husband was born to be a solider. He was born to lead. I am at his side, taking care of skinned knees, reading bedtime stories, driving to play dates, scheduling, making it all happen until we are together again.
For the first time in my life, my heart is in so many places. I long to be in CO where my church and friends are. I long to be in KY sharing the same bed with my husband. I long to be in SC where my family is. A small part of me feels ready for Germany, for God has a mission for us there.
As a sick baby regains her health, a computer crashes, a garage door breaks, babies fall apart for their daddy, plants threaten to die, I truly see how blessed I am. My closest friends have given me time to find me and make a plan for the months and are right at my side as I ask to lean on them. I confide as I need to, being blessed with no judgement against me. No task is to big for them to take on.
We're one week down with many more to go. I thank my close circle here in CO and those in other places of the map who are supporting us, praying for us, helping and encouraging us. I thank my husband for his bravery, his passion for the army, his love for me and our family. You rock babe!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
A new role's been a while since I've been on here!
The ceremony for Port's commissioning went very well, despite a very fussy teething Riley girl. It was amazing to see my handsome man stand in front of his peers, mentors, family, friends and cadre and finally being recognized for all of his hard work for the last 2 yrs of officer training. What an honor it was for me and our children to pin him with his new rank. He's now a 2Lt which I just think is awesome!
The reception went equally as well. Thanks to all who came out and celebrated such an awesome occasion with us! Several times through out the reception, which was held in our home, I stood amazed. Our home for 5 1/2 hours was wall to wall packed with people. There was a steady stream of people coming and going for most of the day. It was so cool to see so many people come out to love on us and support us. How blessed we really are!
We celebrated my little man, Carson's birthday a month early tonight while daddy and Pa are still here. Chucky Cheese here we come;)
Port and I also had a first this week...our first night away! I had reserved a room at the beautiful Old Town Guest House here in CO, which included our own private hot tub and patio! How wonderful the privacy was, the room, the amenities, the food, it was all just perfect!
I have reflected often the last few days on my new role as an officer's wife. It's something I take very seriously as we are fulfilling our calling by being in the military. The army flows thru our veins and we know how to do what we do and do it well.
I have had a few really good and some really bad examples of officer's wives cross my path. I've had some rockin FRG experiences and some terrible ones. It's intimidating in a sense for me. By Port choosing the officer's route, there are many perks but many more responsiblities as well. Your reputation means more, what you do reflects heavily your husband and family, more so than on the enlisted side of the world.
More than anything else, I hope to grow, mature and be an example to others. I see so many wives dishonoring their husbands while they are deployed and at home alike. I have seen many choose to party, be crazy, run around and trash their lives. While it's easy for any of us to choose this path as well, I realize that I have many people watching me an officer's wife and as a Christian.
I hope to lead some of these other ladies to Christ, to show them a better way. I hope to lead by example in the way I conduct myself, the way I dress, the condition of my marriage, the real and genuine love between Port and myself, the way we raise our kids, the way we handle our finances, the way we live.
We've never had tons of money in the bank, don't strive for a huge nest egg but instead give all we can for others. Our kids don't always wear name brand, have all they could ever want, or do all they want, but at the same time they don't want for anything, but they know how to love, how to give, how to tell the story of our Jesus and how He came to save.
As I begin my very long list of thank you notes, I am determined to shrug off the intimidation I at times feel about my new role, and I see that this is just one more way in which our awesome God is going to use us.
Friday, May 14, 2010
At times life gets so crazy and out of hand with planning this and that, making this playdate, keeping that appointment, paying that bill, and you forget the important and most special things in life.
My new medicines for the fibromyalgia keep me up almost all night. I'm feeling better some days while taking them and making serious diet changes but I'm not sleeping as much. Sometimes it's a good thing as I can get lots done while the family is snoozing and other times not so much as I'm super tired most mornings.
But tonight, I sit here in the bed with my husband and all 3 kiddos and I think of how good I've got it. I have a husband who really loves me, sticks by me, accepts me and my children want to be with me at all times, they are so generous, caring and sensitive to others needs. I sit in this bed totally surrounded by their love for me and for each other. I listen to them breathing, I look at them enjoying peaceful rest and I know that I am blessed and I am living a life I could have only dreamed of as a little girl.
My new medicines for the fibromyalgia keep me up almost all night. I'm feeling better some days while taking them and making serious diet changes but I'm not sleeping as much. Sometimes it's a good thing as I can get lots done while the family is snoozing and other times not so much as I'm super tired most mornings.
But tonight, I sit here in the bed with my husband and all 3 kiddos and I think of how good I've got it. I have a husband who really loves me, sticks by me, accepts me and my children want to be with me at all times, they are so generous, caring and sensitive to others needs. I sit in this bed totally surrounded by their love for me and for each other. I listen to them breathing, I look at them enjoying peaceful rest and I know that I am blessed and I am living a life I could have only dreamed of as a little girl.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The Up's and Down's and Doing It God's Way
I have had on my heart to share with you all this evening, as I'm sure we're not the only ones going thru struggles, trials, ect these days. After all, Jesus tells us that we all will at some time and not to be surprised by them! (1 Peter 4:12-13) He also tell us that in our trials we will gain perseverance, thus allowing our faith to grow to an even stronger level (1 Peter 1:6-7).
I think as believers we all come to a cross roads and we have a choice to make. Will we do it our way or God's way? Will our marriage be glorifying and pleasing to Him or will we look out only for ourselves? Will we raise our children in His ways and teach them of Him or wait for life to pass us all by? Will we be good servants with the money He gives us or will we spend how we want too when we want? Will we abstain from the things He warns us of such as drugs, alcohol, sex outside of marriage or will we live life as one big party?
To me, the way of the world does seem easier at times but I couldn't imagine a life with no close and personal relationship with my Father. My flesh takes over and for a minute I ponder a life with no eternal consequences, missing tithe to pay down my credit card, engaging in foolish argument knowing it won't do any good....but is it all worth it?
As Christians, we are called to lead a holy life(Romans 12:1). Holy, meaning to be set apart, separated from sin and to be free for service to God.
It's harder to live life this way as it takes a ton of effort for me! It takes more time and thought to NOT engage in an argument, to discipline my kids and not just allow them to watch whatever comes on the tv, to write that tithe check instead of seeing my credit card balance go down faster with each month (though I fully understand that I am what got me into the mess of a credit card to begin with), to care of my husbands needs above my own, to practice self control in all that I do, to step out of my world to serve someone else in need.
It's hard but dear friends, it's so worth it. It's so worth that feeling of knowing that our Savior is pleased with your thoughts, words and actions. It's worth knowing that maybe you planted a seed with someone who doesn't know the love of Jesus by helping them when no one else would. It's worth going thru the yucky in your marriage to come out stronger and better than before instead of just calling it quits when time's get tough.
So I leave you with this tonight, keep pressing on and run the good race. Don't give up on yourself just as He hasn't given up on you!
I think as believers we all come to a cross roads and we have a choice to make. Will we do it our way or God's way? Will our marriage be glorifying and pleasing to Him or will we look out only for ourselves? Will we raise our children in His ways and teach them of Him or wait for life to pass us all by? Will we be good servants with the money He gives us or will we spend how we want too when we want? Will we abstain from the things He warns us of such as drugs, alcohol, sex outside of marriage or will we live life as one big party?
To me, the way of the world does seem easier at times but I couldn't imagine a life with no close and personal relationship with my Father. My flesh takes over and for a minute I ponder a life with no eternal consequences, missing tithe to pay down my credit card, engaging in foolish argument knowing it won't do any good....but is it all worth it?
As Christians, we are called to lead a holy life(Romans 12:1). Holy, meaning to be set apart, separated from sin and to be free for service to God.
It's harder to live life this way as it takes a ton of effort for me! It takes more time and thought to NOT engage in an argument, to discipline my kids and not just allow them to watch whatever comes on the tv, to write that tithe check instead of seeing my credit card balance go down faster with each month (though I fully understand that I am what got me into the mess of a credit card to begin with), to care of my husbands needs above my own, to practice self control in all that I do, to step out of my world to serve someone else in need.
It's hard but dear friends, it's so worth it. It's so worth that feeling of knowing that our Savior is pleased with your thoughts, words and actions. It's worth knowing that maybe you planted a seed with someone who doesn't know the love of Jesus by helping them when no one else would. It's worth going thru the yucky in your marriage to come out stronger and better than before instead of just calling it quits when time's get tough.
So I leave you with this tonight, keep pressing on and run the good race. Don't give up on yourself just as He hasn't given up on you!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Croppin away!
Oh how I love to scrapbook. I first began to crop when Port was on his first of two 15 month tours overseas and it was just me and Leea. She was 3 months old so her schedule was pretty predictable as far as eating and naps.
A good friend at the time invited me to a Creative Memories party. I had never heard of CM or scrap booked but went along thinking it might be fun. I was instantly hooked! I feel in love, bought a ton of stuff and went home to enjoy all my goodies after Leea was down for the night. It became a real outlet and very therapeutic for me while my hubby was so far away for so long. I made Leea's baby book first and dedicated it to both her and Port since he was gone for so much of her life.
I took a consultant job with CM and worked hard for them for 2 yrs. After Carson was born I began a book for him as well. Sadly, I haven't scrap booked nearly as much as I would like in the years. A few moves, another baby, another deployment, and life and before I knew it, I hadn't picked up my scrapbook stuff in forever.
Recently Port and I decided it would be good for me to pick it up again and reconnect with my passion. Port has invested a pretty penny in all of my CM stock so I have albums for our family for years to come. Now to fill them!
I went to National Scrapbook Day during the month of May and had a blast! I'm proud to say that I FINALLY finished Carson's baby book. He will be 4 next month LOL! I've included some pic's of some of my fav page layouts and borders to get you inspired to give it a try if you haven't before or get back into it!
Scrap booking isn't about who you buy from, what brand you use or how fancy your tools are. It's about making memories for your family, for gifting your children with your work and creativity for what they don't remember, such as when they were tiny's. I hope someday that my albums will help someone with Alzheimer's or someone grieving for a loved one. Take care of your photos and protect your beautiful moments. It's so true that a picture is worth a thousand words. Happy cropping!
Yum! Yum!
Today was pretty chilly out so as part of school today with the kiddos we made homemade banana bread. I didn't have any nuts so it was just bananas. But we did do something different this time around!
I've only made banana bread once before and it turned out awful...not sweet at all and kinda bland. Yuck! This time we made a super yum topping and boy was it yum! I took a pic of the bread just as soon as it came out of the oven. The small loaf we ate here and the large one we will take to Port's Bible study, R12 tomorrow night. I've included the recipe at the bottom!
I'm totally blessed to be able to home school and make cool stuff with our kids:)
crunchy topping: 3 tablespoons flour
3 tablespoons brown sugar
2 teaspoons butter cut up
Mix ingredients together and sprinkle on top of batter before you bake. Enjoy!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
so thankful for my peeps:)
So as most of you know we are in the midst of total craziness at the Port household!
In exactly 11 days my hubby will commission as an officer in the United States Army. With that comes the ceremony we will attend (yes I got matching dresses for the girls and a coordinating polo for my little man) and then comes the reception that I am to throw. That is, if I want to stay within army tradition and not be forever branded as "the wife who didn't throw her husband a reception". I've never thrown a real reception before! Something tells me that this will be a bit more than the usual friends over for supper, coffee, whatever!
What is a girl to do to make sure all is well? Well a smart one calls on her peeps! I called my girl Geri who with her hubby's help made a super special invitation that will be sent out to all of our church family and friends thanks to the help of our awesome Pastor Tracy! Invite, check!
In the meantime, my hubby is stressing over crazy long papers that have major deadlines and I am getting my house ready for family coming in next week! My sister in law and my father in law will come to the rescue and join in on all the celebration and spend some time with Port as he leaves in 2 wks for Ft. Kox KY for several months of schooling.
My next task is to plan a menu for which I called on Geri once again. She totally had it put together in seconds! Seriously, how fab is she? menu, check!
My brain has turned to mush in trying to decide on a gift for him. I'm on a budget with so many big things happening (flying to SC, Port's schools, Carson's bday, Germany). He's super hard to buy for as he's even worse at giving gift ideas and suggestions.
Sooooo, I'm calling on my peeps again! I'm looking for theme ideas for his reception, decor ideas, gift ideas, you name it! Come on girls, lend me your creative minds!
In exactly 11 days my hubby will commission as an officer in the United States Army. With that comes the ceremony we will attend (yes I got matching dresses for the girls and a coordinating polo for my little man) and then comes the reception that I am to throw. That is, if I want to stay within army tradition and not be forever branded as "the wife who didn't throw her husband a reception". I've never thrown a real reception before! Something tells me that this will be a bit more than the usual friends over for supper, coffee, whatever!
What is a girl to do to make sure all is well? Well a smart one calls on her peeps! I called my girl Geri who with her hubby's help made a super special invitation that will be sent out to all of our church family and friends thanks to the help of our awesome Pastor Tracy! Invite, check!
In the meantime, my hubby is stressing over crazy long papers that have major deadlines and I am getting my house ready for family coming in next week! My sister in law and my father in law will come to the rescue and join in on all the celebration and spend some time with Port as he leaves in 2 wks for Ft. Kox KY for several months of schooling.
My next task is to plan a menu for which I called on Geri once again. She totally had it put together in seconds! Seriously, how fab is she? menu, check!
My brain has turned to mush in trying to decide on a gift for him. I'm on a budget with so many big things happening (flying to SC, Port's schools, Carson's bday, Germany). He's super hard to buy for as he's even worse at giving gift ideas and suggestions.
Sooooo, I'm calling on my peeps again! I'm looking for theme ideas for his reception, decor ideas, gift ideas, you name it! Come on girls, lend me your creative minds!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Hot Momma's Day!
"Happy hot momma's day babe!" Those are the words I woke to today on Mother's Day from my adoring hubby. I'm totally digging the hot momma day and think I will use it from now on! I mean, is there a much better way to make your wife feel love and appreciated after the birth of 3 kids, not feeling super lovely and just waking up from an all night party with our 1 year old? It's becoming a bit more challenging to enter into hot momma mode these days! I tend to claim residence in the spit up, yogurt on my shirt, mom's taxi, am I ever going to get another shower, meal merry go round world of mine.
So today I give a shout out to all of my mom friends and my own mom who rock out in so many ways and leave me feeling super inspired to always do better at what I love....being a mom.
So today I give a shout out to all of my mom friends and my own mom who rock out in so many ways and leave me feeling super inspired to always do better at what I love....being a mom.
Friday, May 7, 2010
My fire is burnin!
As many of you know, my husband teaches a Bible study at the UCCS, main campus every Thursday night. The study is under the umbrella of our church, CCES with the goal of reaching collage students, ROTC cadets all alike.
For several months I have seen my husband really grow into the man God is allowing him to be. Each week he faithfully creates a study and leads the group in prayer and discussion. What an honor it is for me to be by his side as he leads not only this group but our family as well.
Last night we had the special treat of a dear friend, Luke teaching the study. Luke, I believe is a teacher at heart and I was very excited to see his teaching talents for the first time and equally as excited to see his beautiful wife sitting next to him.....that's how we do it Chrystal:) Luke did an amazing job in teaching and getting his lesson points across to the rest of the group. I am still impressed today at how he was able to draw the group into such deep discussion. I saw people open up in ways I haven't seen before. People began to share their real struggles, their real issues. It was raw and so beautiful.
One question that Luke asked really got me thinking. He asked, "in times of doubt, trial, times that you can't see God working, what do you do to keep your fire burning? What do you do to keep your faith alive? Many in the group shared testimonies, real life, testimonies. People began to share with one another and really minister to each other.
After a few moments, I began to reflect on what my own answer would be. What do I do to keep my fire burning? How do I keep my faith alive in times of doubt, confusion or sorrow?
This most recent year, 2010, has been one of the hardest of my life. We've battled for our precious Riley girl for an entire year before finally recieving the medical attention she has needed. She's doing great by the way:) I have hit my emotional bottom as I have struggled with distant family issues, financial hard times have come and gone, I have gone through test after test in order to learn who I am and who I want to be and now major health issues. I am still going through the painful process of standing on my own two feet, being who my kids need, who my husband needs, becoming an army officers' wife (what a transition it is!) and really finding my place in the world and in CO only to learn that Germany is where the LORD wants us next.
And yet my answer to Luke's question was and is so simple. What do I do to keep my faith alive, to keep my fire burning? I think of all the times my Jesus has saved me. By saving me, I mean much more than my salvation. You couldn't ask for more than being saved from the pits of hell. But more than that still! So many times, in my life the LORD has saved me and rescued me from terrible situations, protected me from harm, healed my heart, provided a way out from a mess, given me rest, healed me, shown me a better way and stood by me. All it takes on a bad day is my reflection on all the LORD has done for me.
I challenge you my friends to ponder Luke's question just the same. Take a minute and reflect on what the LORD has done for you. Share or simply journal and say a prayer of thanks. After all, we all have much to be thankful for!
Special thanks to Chrystal and Luke. Thank you for your teaching, for your example to the rest of us. You guys rock!
For several months I have seen my husband really grow into the man God is allowing him to be. Each week he faithfully creates a study and leads the group in prayer and discussion. What an honor it is for me to be by his side as he leads not only this group but our family as well.
Last night we had the special treat of a dear friend, Luke teaching the study. Luke, I believe is a teacher at heart and I was very excited to see his teaching talents for the first time and equally as excited to see his beautiful wife sitting next to him.....that's how we do it Chrystal:) Luke did an amazing job in teaching and getting his lesson points across to the rest of the group. I am still impressed today at how he was able to draw the group into such deep discussion. I saw people open up in ways I haven't seen before. People began to share their real struggles, their real issues. It was raw and so beautiful.
One question that Luke asked really got me thinking. He asked, "in times of doubt, trial, times that you can't see God working, what do you do to keep your fire burning? What do you do to keep your faith alive? Many in the group shared testimonies, real life, testimonies. People began to share with one another and really minister to each other.
After a few moments, I began to reflect on what my own answer would be. What do I do to keep my fire burning? How do I keep my faith alive in times of doubt, confusion or sorrow?
This most recent year, 2010, has been one of the hardest of my life. We've battled for our precious Riley girl for an entire year before finally recieving the medical attention she has needed. She's doing great by the way:) I have hit my emotional bottom as I have struggled with distant family issues, financial hard times have come and gone, I have gone through test after test in order to learn who I am and who I want to be and now major health issues. I am still going through the painful process of standing on my own two feet, being who my kids need, who my husband needs, becoming an army officers' wife (what a transition it is!) and really finding my place in the world and in CO only to learn that Germany is where the LORD wants us next.
And yet my answer to Luke's question was and is so simple. What do I do to keep my faith alive, to keep my fire burning? I think of all the times my Jesus has saved me. By saving me, I mean much more than my salvation. You couldn't ask for more than being saved from the pits of hell. But more than that still! So many times, in my life the LORD has saved me and rescued me from terrible situations, protected me from harm, healed my heart, provided a way out from a mess, given me rest, healed me, shown me a better way and stood by me. All it takes on a bad day is my reflection on all the LORD has done for me.
I challenge you my friends to ponder Luke's question just the same. Take a minute and reflect on what the LORD has done for you. Share or simply journal and say a prayer of thanks. After all, we all have much to be thankful for!
Special thanks to Chrystal and Luke. Thank you for your teaching, for your example to the rest of us. You guys rock!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
I've heard it said....
I've heard it said that as an army/military wife you should never put down serious roots anywhere. It's just too hard when the time comes to leave to actually leave. For those that know us best, you know we have army flowing thru our veins. It's what we do, it's what we are meant to do, it's what we will always do.
Our first duty station has been Ft Carson, CO and we have been here since I was pregnant with Carson at just 8 weeks. Carson will be 4 next month! And no, Ft Carson is NOT where we got the name for our little man. I hated CO at first. I rebelled in my own little ways, refusing to explore, make friends, adjust in any way. It's taken me a long time but I've gotten kinda close with CO. I could do without all the snow but there's something incredible about looking out my kitchen window and seeing Pikes Peak. Here in CO is where I've grown. My journey began here, in learning how to be a woman, how to raise babies, how to be an army wife, how to have a real walk with my LORD.
I found CCES (Calvery Chapel Eastside), my church and my home in this world. My church has been my refuge, my safe place when the world just becomes too much. My church has become a place where Port and I can lay it all out, be as raw as we need to be, pray for others and have each other prayed for. My church has carried us thru a 15 month deployment, a miscarriage during a hard pregnancy, a following pregnancy of total bed rest for the majority of it, hard financial times,tough family issues, the raising of 3 kids, homeschooling the kids, health issues, deployment issues, moving, and all of life's hardest lessons that the last 3 yrs has had for us. Leea and Carson have grown most of their tiny lives in this church. My church has come to the rescue as last minute child care for a military ball, meals when major sickness has come along, car repairs, muscle help for a big move, home repairs when Port has been name it they've done it!
Leaving my church is the hardest part of the big move looming in our future. Germany happens in November but SC happens much sooner. My biggest move, without my husband but my biggest challenge is that I've put roots down. Big roots. Deep roots. While I know we will keep in touch with many, some more than others, it's hard to imagine that we won't be walking in the doors of our church together anymore. Port leaves for OBC (armor school) June 2 and won't return until Oct to Dec. I will be heading to SC with the kiddos on my own, the house will be rented, and saying goodbye to CO. Port will of course join us in SC once schools are done and from there we will fly to Germany.
So what brought all of this on you ask? We met with JJYPSO yesterday (the army moving company) and have arranged for our house to be packed and stored, the car shipped....all so the house can be ready for our renters on August 1. We sign our final paperwork at the end of the month.
Perhaps I shouldn't have put some roots down. Maybe I did what lots of military wives have advised me not to do.....but I'm so glad for my roots. For this world is not my home. I am truly an alien here as the word says. My roots here in CO, in our church will carry me on to SC and then to Germany to complete the work the LORD has set for us to do.
Our first duty station has been Ft Carson, CO and we have been here since I was pregnant with Carson at just 8 weeks. Carson will be 4 next month! And no, Ft Carson is NOT where we got the name for our little man. I hated CO at first. I rebelled in my own little ways, refusing to explore, make friends, adjust in any way. It's taken me a long time but I've gotten kinda close with CO. I could do without all the snow but there's something incredible about looking out my kitchen window and seeing Pikes Peak. Here in CO is where I've grown. My journey began here, in learning how to be a woman, how to raise babies, how to be an army wife, how to have a real walk with my LORD.
I found CCES (Calvery Chapel Eastside), my church and my home in this world. My church has been my refuge, my safe place when the world just becomes too much. My church has become a place where Port and I can lay it all out, be as raw as we need to be, pray for others and have each other prayed for. My church has carried us thru a 15 month deployment, a miscarriage during a hard pregnancy, a following pregnancy of total bed rest for the majority of it, hard financial times,tough family issues, the raising of 3 kids, homeschooling the kids, health issues, deployment issues, moving, and all of life's hardest lessons that the last 3 yrs has had for us. Leea and Carson have grown most of their tiny lives in this church. My church has come to the rescue as last minute child care for a military ball, meals when major sickness has come along, car repairs, muscle help for a big move, home repairs when Port has been name it they've done it!
Leaving my church is the hardest part of the big move looming in our future. Germany happens in November but SC happens much sooner. My biggest move, without my husband but my biggest challenge is that I've put roots down. Big roots. Deep roots. While I know we will keep in touch with many, some more than others, it's hard to imagine that we won't be walking in the doors of our church together anymore. Port leaves for OBC (armor school) June 2 and won't return until Oct to Dec. I will be heading to SC with the kiddos on my own, the house will be rented, and saying goodbye to CO. Port will of course join us in SC once schools are done and from there we will fly to Germany.
So what brought all of this on you ask? We met with JJYPSO yesterday (the army moving company) and have arranged for our house to be packed and stored, the car shipped....all so the house can be ready for our renters on August 1. We sign our final paperwork at the end of the month.
Perhaps I shouldn't have put some roots down. Maybe I did what lots of military wives have advised me not to do.....but I'm so glad for my roots. For this world is not my home. I am truly an alien here as the word says. My roots here in CO, in our church will carry me on to SC and then to Germany to complete the work the LORD has set for us to do.
Monday, May 3, 2010
And that's 2 for God!
So I have this way of giving a high five to God when something really great happens that I know will further His kingdom. My made up saying, "one for God" has become a bit of a family "thing" that Port and I will often jk with each other about. Well tonight in the Port house we had a first....a 2 for God!
I was doing some straightening up in the living room as Leea and Carson were cleaning up in the art room (their art/school/play room) when I heard Leea ask Carson, "well don't you want to go to heaven bubbie?" I stopped to ease closer to the door and listen in some. My little man replied with a "yes sissy but I don't know how." I eased into the room and asked the kids to take a seat for a minute so we could talk. I asked them both if they knew how to get to heaven, where does Jesus live ect. The responses I gathered were the normal for tiny ones. It was a great conversation with the kids but it got even better when Carson looked at me and said, "mommy, how does Jesus get from up in the sky and into my heart?" I began to share with him how Jesus can come in our hearts once we invite him to come and live within us. Leea then shared with me that she had never really asked Jesus to come live in her heart but that she knew she needed too so she too could have Jesus in her heart. I talked to them both about praying to invite Jesus into their hearts and asked them if they would like to pray that very prayer. Both were eager and so we began together on a toddler/Pre-K version of the sinners prayer. My Leea and my Carson repeated every word I said with their tiny hands together and their heads bowed. Never before have I ever seen them so serious.
After we prayed I asked the kids if they had understood what we prayed and why. Carson shared with me that "now Jesus lives in my heart because I asked him to come be my LORD." Leea shared as well by saying that she "knew Jesus was in her heart and would always stay close to her."
That my friends, is 2 for God!
I was doing some straightening up in the living room as Leea and Carson were cleaning up in the art room (their art/school/play room) when I heard Leea ask Carson, "well don't you want to go to heaven bubbie?" I stopped to ease closer to the door and listen in some. My little man replied with a "yes sissy but I don't know how." I eased into the room and asked the kids to take a seat for a minute so we could talk. I asked them both if they knew how to get to heaven, where does Jesus live ect. The responses I gathered were the normal for tiny ones. It was a great conversation with the kids but it got even better when Carson looked at me and said, "mommy, how does Jesus get from up in the sky and into my heart?" I began to share with him how Jesus can come in our hearts once we invite him to come and live within us. Leea then shared with me that she had never really asked Jesus to come live in her heart but that she knew she needed too so she too could have Jesus in her heart. I talked to them both about praying to invite Jesus into their hearts and asked them if they would like to pray that very prayer. Both were eager and so we began together on a toddler/Pre-K version of the sinners prayer. My Leea and my Carson repeated every word I said with their tiny hands together and their heads bowed. Never before have I ever seen them so serious.
After we prayed I asked the kids if they had understood what we prayed and why. Carson shared with me that "now Jesus lives in my heart because I asked him to come be my LORD." Leea shared as well by saying that she "knew Jesus was in her heart and would always stay close to her."
That my friends, is 2 for God!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
I join the blogger world!
So I finally did it...I am a blogger! I've been toying with the idea for some time and suddenly it seemed every girlfriend I have also has a blog! I am in hopes that this blog will be another tool for family and friends to keep in touch with us and see updated pics of the kiddos...especially since Germany is close in our future! We'll see how well I do at keeping it updated;)
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